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14 Okt. 2024


Synevyr in the Carpathian foothills: what is the history of the ancient lake, what is unique about it and how does it impress visitors?

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Synevyr in the Carpathian foothills: what is the history of the ancient lake, what is unique about it and how does it impress visitors?

One of the largest and most mysterious lakes in Ukraine, Synevyr, is located in the Carpathians. Its unique structure gave it the popular name of the Sea Eye. The unique combination of primeval nature and man-made facilities, which are in harmony and interaction, has made this place attractive to hundreds of tourists. Learn about the history, features and legends of Lake Synevyr, create your own travel routes

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Tours to unbreakable Ukraine. Find out more on the website

Lake Synevyr attracts tourists every year in every season. The huge body of water that never heats up holds many secrets, and century-old spruce trees cover it from all sides with their clawed branches. There is a huge nature park with its own ecosystems - the Brown Bear Rehabilitation Centre, the Wolf Rehabilitation Ecopark, a wild lake deep in the forest and a powerful cascading waterfall. Synevyr is a place of relaxation, tranquillity and inspiration that everyone can enjoy. Take a trip to the Sea Eye, and read the details in our article.

What do we know about Lake Synevyr?

Synevyr is the largest lake in the Carpathians. It is located in the Khust district of the Zakarpattia region, in the Inner Gorgany mountain range. Since 1974, it has been a part of the Synevyr Lake landscape reserve of national importance, and since 1989 - the Synevyr National Nature Park. The lake is one of the most interesting objects in terms of history, geology and folklore. The lake is deservedly considered a visiting card of the Carpathian Mountains. The lake covers an area of about 4-5 hectares, with an average depth of 8-10 m and a maximum depth of 22-24 m. The lake is alpine and deep, so the temperature here does not rise above 11-13 degrees, and only the upper metres of water are heated. It is forbidden to swim in the lake, as well as to conduct scientific research at depth.

Photo: Synevyr National Nature Park

How long ago was Lake Synevyr formed?

Geologists have found that Lake Synevyr was formed about 10,000 years ago as a result of a powerful earthquake - a rock slide blocked the valley where the mountain stream flowed. The newly formed hollow was filled with water from three streams and a lake was born, which fully justifies its name - the ‘eye of the sea’.

For thousands of years, the area has been home to some of the most picturesque landscapes. The steep slopes fall down to the water. The local spruce trees are more than 100 years old, so they impress with their original beauty and power. There is a small island in the middle of the lake (which, according to local legend, appears and disappears). The island looks like the apple of the eye, hence the local name.

Find more incredible lakes in Ukraine in our article on Visit Ukraine.

What can you see near Synevyr?

People simply adore this place and try to adapt its natural beauty to their own needs. The peculiarity of Synevyr is that the man-made facilities are harmoniously woven into the landscape, which creates the effect of the absence of the human factor.

Observation platforms

Architect Volodymyr Solomin was inspired by the beauty of the Synevyr and built several observation decks for tourists, which offer incredible views. There are also many kolybas near the viewpoints where you can have a delicious meal and drink traditional mulled wine.

Synevyr Pass

Synevyr Pass is a convenient place for tourists to relax. It is especially popular with motorists, as the pass is located right on the T0720 highway and allows you to relax before travelling through the Carpathians. The landscape of the pass is impressive: the endless Synevyr valley, small settlements hiding between the hills, and mountain peaks shrouded in fog.

Brown Bear Rehabilitation Centre

In general, there are many specimens of flora and fauna listed in the Red Book of Ukraine near Synevyr. Since 2003, the brown bear has been included in the list of rare species, and in 2011, the construction of the Rehabilitation Centre, which covers an area of 12 hectares, began. Employees and organisers tried to bring the conditions as close as possible to those natural for bears. The main goal of the Centre is to rehabilitate bears after living in zoos and circuses and to adapt them to the environment.

Kamianets waterfall

The Kamianets Waterfall, popularly called the ‘White Beast’, is a cascading waterfall of extraordinary beauty near Lake Synevyr. There is an observation deck near the waterfall where you can take amazing photos and a statue of Mavka, the guardian of the forest. It is recommended to visit the White Beast in spring, when it is especially full of water after the snow melts.

The Valley of the Wolves Ecopark

The Valley of the Wolves Ecopark is located next to a lake in the village of Synevyrska Polyana and is designed for the rehabilitation of wolves and other wild animals. Currently, four breeds of wolves, tigers, lions and a family of ungulates live here. You can also see the pioneers - those who started the Ecopark (at that time, the founders of the Ecopark bought small wolf cubs from poachers).

Wild Lake

If you go up 3.5 km from Synevyr following the guidebooks, you can reach a picturesque place, which the locals call Ozirts. There are extraordinary views for photos, huts for rest and lunch, observation decks and centuries-old trees that welcome visitors.

Photo: Synevyr National Nature Park

‘Syn and Vyr’

The peninsula is home to the mahogany sculpture ‘Syn and Vyr’, depicting the mythical lovers whose tragic story gave the lake its name. The composition was created by sculptors Ivan Brovdi and Mikhail Sanych. The height of the monument is 13 metres.

Photo: Synevyr National Nature Park

Travel over the pass, go down to the ‘Sea Eye’, visit the Bear Rehabilitation Centre and admire the largest waterfall in the Carpathians on the Visit Ukraine tour ‘Excursion to Synevyr: Pearls of Mezhyhirya’.

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How much does it cost to enter Lake Synevyr?

For adults - 60 UAH.

For pupils/students - 30 UAH.

For transport:

from a motorbike - 30 UAH.

from a car - 75 UAH.

from a minibus (less than 8 people) - 120 UAH.

from a minibus (more than 8 people) - 165 UAH.

How do I get to Lake Synevyr?

From Kyiv.

From Kyiv, you can take a train to Volovets, and from there take a shuttle bus to the lake.

The first train in the direction of Kharkiv - Uzhhorod departs at 00:02, the last one in the same direction - at 21:33. At the entrance to the train, you need to inform the conductor that you are getting off at the Volovets station.

The bus from Volovets to Synevyr runs daily at 19:32, so you need to take care of the night's stay at the lake in advance. If you don't like to spend the night in tents or the temperature doesn't allow you to do so, please follow the link to book a hotel.

Motorists are advised to stick to the Kyiv - Chop highway, in the village of Nyzhni Vorota turn in the direction of Volovets.

From Lviv.

From Kyiv, you can take a train to Volovets, and from there take a shuttle bus to the lake.

The first train in the direction Zaporizhzhia - Uzhhorod departs at 00:01, the last train in the direction Lviv - Uzhhorod - at 19:37. At the entrance to the train, inform the conductor that you are getting off at the Volovets station.

You can also get to Volovets by bus from Lviv. Tickets can be purchased here.

From Volovets, you should follow the route given above.

We recommend driving through Stryi and the Skole Beskydy National Nature Park.

From Uzhhorod

There is a daily direct bus from Uzhhorod to Synevyr at 15:30 in the direction of Uzhhorod - Kolochava.

If the time does not suit you, you can get to Volovets, and from there take a regular bus to the lake.

The road route from Uzhhorod to Synevyr is 167 km.

You can see Synevyr, wolves, bears, observation decks and extraordinary views with your own eyes by booking a special tour from Visit Ukraine ‘Lake Synevyr, Bears, Mountains and More’.

Take care of your incredible trip! Contact Visit Ukraine specialists (Telegram | WhatsAppand get qualified and timely assistance in booking tickets, hotels, medical and car insurance, route planning, and advice on the most suitable tours to meet your requirements.

Photo: Konstantin Vakulenko

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gestellte Fragen

What is the largest lake in the Carpathians?

Synevyr is the largest lake in the Carpathians.

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