Cash payments to certain categories of Ukrainians in the Czech Republic will be stopped

Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic will be stopped from receiving humanitarian aid in the amount of 5000 crowns (200 euros) if they receive free housing, food, and hygiene items from the state. It is reported that such measures are directed against "subsidized tourism".
In addition, from the second month of stay in the Czech Republic, the assistance will be accrued at the place of permanent registration and the state will check whether the registered refugees are living at the declared address.
At the same time, the Czech government approved a proposal by the Ministry of the Interior to provide housing for Ukrainian refugees even after the end of the state of emergency in June.
By law, the current refugee registration program must continue to operate. To this end, there will be a system of measures called Lex Ukraine, which obliges the Czech authorities (regions and municipalities) to provide temporary housing to Ukrainians. Fixed compensation for landlords will range from 200 to 350 crowns.
In total, as of June 9, since the beginning of the full-scale war, the Czech Republic has issued more than 370,000 temporary protection visas to Ukrainians. Visas allow you to stay in the country for a year and provide access to public health insurance, education, and the labor market.
According to the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Maryan Yurechka, more than 70,000 refugees from Ukraine are currently working in the Czech Republic under temporary protection, and the number of refugees far exceeds the current vacancies.
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