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13 Sep. 2022


In Kyiv, discounts on utility bills were introduced for privileged categories of the population and certain institutions



    In Kyiv, discounts on utility bills were introduced for privileged categories of the population and certain institutions

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    For the entire period of martial law, deputies of the Kyiv City Council decided to introduce discounts and cancel part of accrued debts for the services of communal enterprises for citizens, institutions and organizations affected by the war. Also, those who help IDPs with housing and food, territorial defense and other military personnel will not be left without attention.

    Deputy of the Kyiv City Council Andriy Vitrenko emphasized that certain categories of the population and enterprises should receive a reduction in the financial burden due to the war. One of the options is social benefits and discounts.

    With many properties destroyed and damaged, and some people left in dire straits, there are those who are actively helping to ease the situation for citizens who have found themselves without a roof over their heads and the ability to provide urgent needs for food and medicine.

    In its decision, the Kyiv City Council introduces full or partial cancellation of charges for garbage removal (household), water supply and drainage services (cold water), as well as maintenance of the area around the house.

    Thus, persons directly affected by hostilities can count on complete cancellation.

    Partial cancellation will be available:

    • 50% for enterprises that provide housing or free food (prepared meals) for IDPs with IDPs or military personnel;

    • 30% of all utility payments for socially vulnerable sections of the population of the city of Kyiv.