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24 Sep. 2022


The cheapest products in Poland. Where to buy to save money?

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The cheapest products in Poland. Where to buy to save money?

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An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

Ukrainian refugees in Poland cannot get food for free. Prices in stores are also not reduced. We tell you where to shop with minimal damage to your budget.

The company "ASM Sales Force Agency" investigated the prices in 13 Polish retail chains and came to the conclusions where the prices made the biggest jump. Such chains as Auchan, Biedronka, Carrefour, E.Leclerc, Intermarche, Kaufland, Lidl, Makro, Polomarket, Netto, Dino, Selgros (C&C) and E-grocery (frisco.pl, dodomku.pl, polskikoszyk.pl, szybkikoszyk.pl). This is reported by Yavp.pl, with a link to asmsalesforce.pl.

As a result, price increases were found in all supermarkets.

Researchers compared price tags for goods from ten categories common to all retail chains:

    1. Meat and sausage products;

    2. Fish;

    3. Oils and fats;

    4. Dairy products;

    5. Frozen products and fast food;

    6. Сonfectionery;

    7. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages;

    8. Power engineering;

    9. Cosmetics and household chemicals;

    10. Mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces.

The "Auchan" network turned out to be the most attractive for shopping. A basket of 40 of the same items as in other stores costs PLN 220 there. In July, the same consumer basket in this network cost 7 zlotys cheaper.

In Lidl supermarkets, the same goods cost PLN 235.92.

Kaufland ranks third among the cheapest supermarkets. The same 40 items could be purchased at the price of PLN 242.77.

Biedronka was in the fourth position with a price tag of PLN 246.29.

Rounding out the top five are Cash&Carry and Carrefour with a basket price of PLN 250.43.

As the study showed, the increase in prices in August compared to July is typical for all retail chains in the country. In August, the grocery basket cost an average of 254.44 zlotys. This is 2.17% more expensive than in July this year. In particular, in Macro, the price tag increased by 3.9%. This is the highest indicator among supermarkets in Poland.

Comparing the current prices with the current prices in August of last year, we can conclude that the most significant price increase occurred in the "E.Leclerc" network. The consumer basket increased in price over the year by PLN 42.97 or by 20.22%.

In general, prices for consumer goods and services increased by 13.44% year-on-year. Experts predict that inflation at 16.1% is significantly higher than previously forecast, so the upward trend in prices will remain until the end of 2022.