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Residence permit (karta czasowego pobytu) in Poland 2022: what is it and where to apply?

Für Flüchtlinge



Residence permit (karta czasowego pobytu) in Poland 2022: what is it and where to apply?

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An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

In order to be able to legally stay in Poland for a long time, it is necessary to have a Polish residence permit - a "karta pobytu" (karta czasowego pobytu). It gives foreigners the right to stay in the country, work and travel for one to three years.

What is a karta pobytu?

This is a unified permit that gives the right to work and stay in Poland without the need for a visa. It is needed by foreigners who want to stay in Poland for more than three months.

How to issue a karta pobytu?

The application for cards must be submitted in person or by mail no later than the last day of legal stay in Poland.

Documents are submitted to the voivodship office (Urząd Wojewódzki) at the place of residence. After submitting the documents, the board has 60 days to issue a permit.

A damaged card is issued to citizens of other states who have:

• a temporary residence permit (valid for the period for which the permit was granted);

• a permanent residence permit (valid for 10 years from the date of its issuance);

• residence permit of a long-term resident of the EU (valid for 5 years from the date of its issuance);

• a residence permit for humanitarian reasons (valid for 2 years from the date of its issuance).

In what cases should a karta pobytu be replaced?

Replacement of a residence permit in Poland is necessary in the following cases:

• changes to the data entered the existing karta pobytu;

• a drastic change in the appearance of the holder of the residence permit compared to the one in the photo placed on the card (so much so that it is difficult or impossible to identify the card holder);

• loss or damage to an existing karta pobytu.

Attention! In order to replace or extend the card, you need to submit a corresponding application to the voivodeship office and pick up your document in person.