1 min

Für Flüchtlinge Lithuania will start exchanging residence permits for Ukrainian refugees: what you need to know

Lithuania will start exchanging residence permits for Ukrainian refugees: what you need to know

The Lithuanian government has decided to start the process of exchanging digital residence permits for Ukrainian refugees due to the expiration of the documents. The initiative is scheduled for the end of the month. Learn more about how to renew your residence permit

13 Nov. 2023

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3 min

Travel How to organize an independent tour to Ukraine?

How to organize an independent tour to Ukraine?

Individual independent travel is becoming more and more popular among travelers every year. Find out how to organize an individual trip to Ukraine during the war and what to pay special attention to when planning

30 Okt. 2023

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Regeln für die Einreise Ukrainian border crossing points have restricted the use of the Diia application: what happened

Ukrainian border crossing points have restricted the use of the Diia application: what happened

When entering or leaving Ukraine, citizens can no longer present e-documents to border guards. Find out what the new restrictions are and what documents from Diia are no longer accepted at the border

30 Okt. 2023

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Krieg Joining the International Legion of Ukraine: the most common problems and reasons for rejection

Joining the International Legion of Ukraine: the most common problems and reasons for rejection

Every month a large number of foreigners apply to join the Foreign Legion. However, despite the fact that the application procedure has been simplified, foreigners continue to face a number of problems. Find out how to avoid common difficulties and what are the most common reasons for rejection

26 Okt. 2023

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Regeln für die Einreise Aktuelle regeln für die Einreise in die Ukraine: grenzübertritt, erforderliche dokumente, visumspflicht, einschränkungen

Aktuelle regeln für die Einreise in die Ukraine: grenzübertritt, erforderliche dokumente, visumspflicht, einschränkungen

Ukrainer, ausländische Staatsbürger und Staatenlose können während des Krieges frei in das Hoheitsgebiet der Ukraine einreisen, unterliegen jedoch bestimmten Einschränkungen. Erfahren Sie alles über die aktuellen Regeln für den Grenzübertritt in die Ukraine und die erforderlichen Dokumente

24 Okt. 2023

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Regeln für die Einreise Rules of entry to Ukraine for foreigners: everything you need to know

Rules of entry to Ukraine for foreigners: everything you need to know

When planning a trip to Ukraine, foreigners face a lot of issues related to entry and stay in the country. Find out everything about the specifics of a trip to Ukraine, from preparing documents to renting an apartment

23 Sep. 2023

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2 min

Popular Fake letters to Ukrainians about extradition to Ukraine have been sent in EU countries: what do we know?

Fake letters to Ukrainians about extradition to Ukraine have been sent in EU countries: what do we know?

In connection with the search for draft dodgers in Ukraine, Ukrainians abroad have begun receiving fake letters of alleged extradition to serve in the Armed Forces. Find out whether extradition is possible in this way and which EU countries have opposed extradition

14 Sep. 2023

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge New Zealand to grant Ukrainian refugees residence permits: how to get them

New Zealand to grant Ukrainian refugees residence permits: how to get them

The New Zealand government has decided to grant residence permits to refugees from Ukraine who arrived on a special visa announced last year. Find out more about how to stay in the country forever

28 Aug. 2023

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