2 min

Travel Demand for tourism is growing in Ukraine despite rising travel prices: details

Demand for tourism is growing in Ukraine despite rising travel prices: details

Ukrainians find time and desire to travel. It helps to take a break from everyday life and recharge. Join Up! conducted a study and found out how the demand for tourism among Ukrainian citizens increased in 2023

30 Apr. 2023

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Popular Eight famous Ukrainians who changed the world

Eight famous Ukrainians who changed the world

Human history knows the names of many Ukrainians who have influenced and continue to influence its course. Their names should be known and remembered. Learn more about famous Ukrainians who have influenced the world

30 Apr. 2023

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Krieg How long will russia have enough money to fight against Ukraine?

How long will russia have enough money to fight against Ukraine?

Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine has been going on for over a year. The aggressor spends huge financial resources on it. Find out more about how long the russian economy will be able to finance the fighting in Ukraine

30 Apr. 2023

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1 min

Documents How to get an international driving licence: detailed instructions for Ukrainians

How to get an international driving licence: detailed instructions for Ukrainians

Citizens of Ukraine can obtain an international driving licence on the basis of a national driving licence at the territorial service centres of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Find out more about how to do this

30 Apr. 2023

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1 min

Transport What to do if your car breaks down on European roads?

What to do if your car breaks down on European roads?

When traveling by car on European roads, you should take into account all unexpected situations that may occur and know the algorithm of actions in case of a car breakdown. Learn more about what to do if your car breaks down on the highway in Europe

29 Apr. 2023

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge Budget cuts: which countries are cutting social and financial support for Ukrainians abroad

Budget cuts: which countries are cutting social and financial support for Ukrainians abroad

Most European countries are cutting funding for programs to help Ukrainian refugees due to budget constraints. Find out more about the changes introduced for Ukrainians in different EU countries

29 Apr. 2023

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1 min

Travel Mountains, caves and crystal waterfalls of the Carpathians: what tours in Ukraine are worth to visit right now

Mountains, caves and crystal waterfalls of the Carpathians: what tours in Ukraine are worth to visit right now

The Carpathian Mountains are one of the most beautiful regions not only in Ukraine but also on the entire European continent. Mountains are famous for their nature, landscapes and various entertainment. Learn more about what tours every tourist should definitely visit

29 Apr. 2023

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge How many refugees in Poland do not plan to return to Ukraine: survey results

How many refugees in Poland do not plan to return to Ukraine: survey results

The mood of Ukrainians has changed significantly over the past six months. In particular, the number of Ukrainians who do not plan to return home has doubled. Find out more about how many IDPs want to stay in Poland longer

29 Apr. 2023

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