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Documents To issue a Ukrainian passport in Turkey: work schedule and services of SE Document

To issue a Ukrainian passport in Turkey: work schedule and services of SE Document

From now on, Ukrainians staying in Turkey will be able to issue passport documents on the territory of the country at the SE "Document". Find out more about the opening hours and the location of the new point

15 Feb. 2023

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Für Flüchtlinge Slovakia has extended the term of temporary protection for Ukrainians: details

Slovakia has extended the term of temporary protection for Ukrainians: details

The authorities of Slovakia have extended the term of temporary protection for refugees from Ukraine who were forcibly moved to the country. Find out more about whether you need to extend your legal residence permit in Slovakia and other details

14 Feb. 2023

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Documents How to get a registration in Finland for refugees from Ukraine: detailed instructions

How to get a registration in Finland for refugees from Ukraine: detailed instructions

Ukrainians who plan to stay in Finland can apply for a permanent residence permit in the country. Learn more about how to do this

14 Feb. 2023

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Popular Departure from Switzerland for Ukrainians with S status: when it is necessary to notify SEM and EVAM

Departure from Switzerland for Ukrainians with S status: when it is necessary to notify SEM and EVAM

Refugees who have found refuge in Switzerland must notify SEM and EVAM before leaving the country. Learn more about when and what you need to report to the relevant migration services

13 Feb. 2023

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Für Flüchtlinge The 50/20 program in Romania: what it is, requirements for Ukrainians and how to apply

The 50/20 program in Romania: what it is, requirements for Ukrainians and how to apply

Refugees from Ukraine who came to Romania as part of a state program can receive monthly cash payments. Learn more about how to get funds and requirements for Ukrainians

13 Feb. 2023

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Documents Ukrainians from the age of 14 can issue their first ID cards in Poland: how to do it

Ukrainians from the age of 14 can issue their first ID cards in Poland: how to do it

Citizens of Ukraine, who have turned 14 years old and temporarily live in Poland, can issue their first passport in the form of an ID card through SE "Document". Find out in more detail in which cities and how to do it, as well as what is needed for this

13 Feb. 2023

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Popular Cryptocurrency payment on Visit Ukraine: where to look for the new feature and how it works

Cryptocurrency payment on Visit Ukraine: where to look for the new feature and how it works

On the VisitUkraine.Today portal, it is possible to pay for insurance, purchase tours and legal services with cryptocurrency. Learn more about how the new feature works

12 Feb. 2023

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Transport What to do if you lose things in public transport in Warsaw: where to turn

What to do if you lose things in public transport in Warsaw: where to turn

Forgetting or losing things in public transport in another country is not a pleasant thing, but there is a solution and a chance that your thing will be found. Learn more about what to do and where to go if you lose things in Warsaw transport

12 Feb. 2023

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