2 min

Documents E-passport, E-support, Diia-Signature: how Ukraine became the first digital state in the world

E-passport, E-support, Diia-Signature: how Ukraine became the first digital state in the world

In the 21st century, few people are surprised by a useful app on their phone, but Ukraine has gone further and created the first "State in a Smartphone". Find out more about how the Diia app was created and how it changed the world

12 Mai. 2023

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1 min

Popular Ukraine in UNESCO: the history of accession and the World Heritage List

Ukraine in UNESCO: the history of accession and the World Heritage List

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization protects sites around the world. Ukraine became a member of the organization 69 years ago. Here's a look at which monuments in Ukraine are under UNESCO protection and which famous Ukrainians have a special status with the organization

12 Mai. 2023

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2 min

Veranstaltungen Eurovision 2023: how Ukraine is remembered in Liverpool and the charity mission of TVORCHI

Eurovision 2023: how Ukraine is remembered in Liverpool and the charity mission of TVORCHI

Unfortunately, this year, Ukraine was unable to hold the song contest on its territory due to the armed aggression of the russian federation. Find out more about how the UK prepared for Eurovision 2023 on behalf of Ukraine and which participants showed their support in this difficult time

12 Mai. 2023

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge Latvia will continue to support Ukrainians until the end of the year: details

Latvia will continue to support Ukrainians until the end of the year: details

The Saeima of Latvia has introduced amendments to the law on support for Ukrainian refugees in the country. Find out more about what refugees from Ukraine in Latvia can expect now and when the assistance will be extended

11 Mai. 2023

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3 min

Der Weg zum Sieg De-occupation of Crimea: what awaits the peninsula after liberation from russian invaders

De-occupation of Crimea: what awaits the peninsula after liberation from russian invaders

The closer the Ukrainian Armed Forces' counter-offensive gets, the more discussions arise around the topic of the Crimean Peninsula. Find out more about what experts and Ukrainian authorities say about the status of Crimea after our Victory

11 Mai. 2023

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1 min

Popular Why is Ukrainian grain so important to the world?

Why is Ukrainian grain so important to the world?

Ukrainian grain exports are a major part of Ukraine's economy. Find out more about our country's agricultural policy and why Ukrainian exports guarantee global food security around the world

11 Mai. 2023

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge Why Ukrainian refugees are returning home: important reasons

Why Ukrainian refugees are returning home: important reasons

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, more than 18 million Ukrainians have traveled abroad. However, time goes on and most citizens have returned or are planning to return home. Find out more about what makes refugees return to Ukraine

11 Mai. 2023

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1 min

Krieg Another provocation: russia lifts ban on flights to Georgia and visa regime

Another provocation: russia lifts ban on flights to Georgia and visa regime

Georgian authorities may resume flights with russia for the first time since 2019. Find out more about how the situation may affect Ukrainians living in Georgia

11 Mai. 2023

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