1 min

Finance Grants for Ukrainians from the Japanese fund The Matsumae International Foundation: how to apply

Grants for Ukrainians from the Japanese fund The Matsumae International Foundation: how to apply

The Japanese fund The Matsumae International Foundation has started accepting applications for grants for foreign researchers, including Ukrainians. Learn more about who can participate and how to register

09 Feb. 2023

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1 min

Popular Tickets for buses, trains and flights: the Visit Ukraine portal launches a new function

Tickets for buses, trains and flights: the Visit Ukraine portal launches a new function

From now on, you can buy bus, train and plane tickets on the VisitUkraine.Today website. Learn more about how the new feature works

09 Feb. 2023

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Lifehacks How to act during an earthquake and whether Ukraine is threatened by a natural disaster: rules and advice

How to act during an earthquake and whether Ukraine is threatened by a natural disaster: rules and advice

The terrible earthquake in Turkey became a real shock for the whole world and took the lives of thousands of people. Unfortunately, it is impossible to prevent a natural disaster, but knowing the basic safety rules is necessary for each of us. We tell you what to do during an earthquake and whether a cataclysm threatens Ukraine

08 Feb. 2023

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge International roaming for Ukrainians in the EU: terms of use

International roaming for Ukrainians in the EU: terms of use

Ukrainians living in the EU continue to receive international roaming services. Find out in more detail how long free roaming will be valid for citizens of Ukraine and what the terms of use are

08 Feb. 2023

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1 min

Popular You can now book a hotel on Visit Ukraine: how the new feature works

You can now book a hotel on Visit Ukraine: how the new feature works

On the VisitUkraine.Today portal, it is possible to book hotels in different regions and cities of Ukraine. Learn more about how the new feature works

08 Feb. 2023

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Finance How to apply for a pension online: step-by-step instructions for Ukrainians

How to apply for a pension online: step-by-step instructions for Ukrainians

Citizens of Ukraine can apply for a pension online — right from home or while abroad. Learn more about what it takes and how to do it

07 Feb. 2023

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1 min

Transport Using your own car in Poland: current rules and documents for Ukrainians

Using your own car in Poland: current rules and documents for Ukrainians

Driving your own car in Poland will greatly simplify the period of your stay in the country. Find out in more detail what documents are required to use a car with Ukrainian registration and the process of exchanging Ukrainian rights for European ones

07 Feb. 2023

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1 min

Krieg The offensive guard in Ukraine: what kind of formation is it, who is hired and how much they pay

The offensive guard in Ukraine: what kind of formation is it, who is hired and how much they pay

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine has started the formation of "Offensive Guard" assault brigades. Find out more about who can apply for admission to the formation and who is accepted there

07 Feb. 2023

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