2 min

Popular Football stars: when Ukrainians shone with the world's top teams

Football stars: when Ukrainians shone with the world's top teams

In a recent match against Germany, the players of the Ukrainian national football team once again demonstrated that they are able to compete with the top teams in Europe. Find out when else the Ukrainian team has demonstrated a spectacular result against the best teams

14 Jun. 2023

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1 min

Documents Ukraine has changed the rules for children traveling abroad accompanied by third parties: what is known

Ukraine has changed the rules for children traveling abroad accompanied by third parties: what is known

During martial law, children can leave Ukraine accompanied by third parties. However, the State Border Guard Service clarifies that some of the rules for leaving have changed. Find out what documents are required for minors to travel abroad

14 Jun. 2023

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge The term of legal stay for refugees from Ukraine in Poland has been extended: details

The term of legal stay for refugees from Ukraine in Poland has been extended: details

Poland has extended the legal stay of Ukrainian refugees for another year. Find out more about the date until which Ukrainians will be able to stay in Poland

14 Jun. 2023

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2 min

Travel Leaving Ukraine for tourism: rules for visa-free travel

Leaving Ukraine for tourism: rules for visa-free travel

Ukrainian citizens have the right to visit more than 90 countries without a visa. Learn more about the general rules of visa-free travel, what documents are required and which countries Ukrainians can travel to without a visa

14 Jun. 2023

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3 min

Culture City of contrasts: interesting and unusual facts about Dnipro

City of contrasts: interesting and unusual facts about Dnipro

Dnipro is one of the most unusual cities in Ukraine, and its main highlight is its contrast. Find out more unusual facts about the city and what the streets of Dnipro hide

14 Jun. 2023

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2 min

Veranstaltungen World Blood Donor Day: why blood donation has become another line of defense in Ukraine

World Blood Donor Day: why blood donation has become another line of defense in Ukraine

On June 14, the world celebrates World Blood Donor Day. Find out why blood donation has become so important for Ukraine during the war and what you need to do to become a donor

14 Jun. 2023

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1 min

Krieg Liberation of Mariupol: How Ukraine liberated the captured city 9 years ago and why history repeats itself

Liberation of Mariupol: How Ukraine liberated the captured city 9 years ago and why history repeats itself

Mariupol is one of the Ukrainian cities that has already been occupied by russians twice. The first time was in 2014. Learn more about the heroic liberation of the city and how history is repeating itself today

13 Jun. 2023

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1 min

Regeln für die Einreise Einreise in die Ukraine aus Deutschland: Regeln für die Erlangung eines ukrainischen Visums für Ausländer

Einreise in die Ukraine aus Deutschland: Regeln für die Erlangung eines ukrainischen Visums für Ausländer

Deutsche Staatsbürger benötigen für die Einreise in die Ukraine ein Visum. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Arten von ukrainischen Visa, wie Sie den Zweck Ihrer Reise bestätigen und wo Sie ein Visum für die Einreise in die Ukraine beantragen können

13 Jun. 2023

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