2 min

Arbeit Probleme mit der Beschäftigung von Ukrainern in Österreich: Warum ändert der vereinfachte Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt nichts an der Situation?

Probleme mit der Beschäftigung von Ukrainern in Österreich: Warum ändert der vereinfachte Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt nichts an der Situation?

Die in Österreich lebenden Ukrainer haben zahlreiche Schwierigkeiten, eine Beschäftigung zu finden. Und der erleichterte Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt vereinfacht zwar die Situation, löst aber nicht alle Probleme. Finden Sie heraus, welche Hindernisse die Arbeitssuche erschweren und wie viele Flüchtlinge bisher erfolgreich eingestellt wurden

04 Sep. 2024

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2 min

Transport Which border crossing points with Poland are undergoing repairs: a complete list

Which border crossing points with Poland are undergoing repairs: a complete list

Traffic on the border with Poland will be hampered until the end of November 2024 due to repair works at the main checkpoints. Find out more about the situation at important checkpoints, as well as about the most convenient ways to travel to Poland

04 Sep. 2024

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1 min

Ausbildung First Ukrainian state school opened in Hungary: what you need to know about it

First Ukrainian state school opened in Hungary: what you need to know about it

The first state Ukrainian-Hungarian school has opened in Budapest. Ukrainian refugees and children who intend to study the school programme in the Ukrainian language will be able to study there. Find out how the educational process will take place there

03 Sep. 2024

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2 min

Finance National cashback via Diia: how to get it and where to buy goods

National cashback via Diia: how to get it and where to buy goods

The cashback programme via the Diya app will allow Ukrainians to receive up to 3,000 hryvnias monthly for purchases of Ukrainian goods. Find out how Ukrainian cashback will work, which goods are eligible for reimbursement and which shops participate

03 Sep. 2024

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1 min

Popular Mezhyhiria Park-Monument opened to visitors for the first time in a new format: residence guide and prices

Mezhyhiria Park-Monument opened to visitors for the first time in a new format: residence guide and prices

Mezhyhiria was opened to visitors for the first time in a new format, turning the former residence of national importance into a modern tourist center. Find out more about what the park guests can visit, the cost and other details

03 Sep. 2024

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3 min

Für Flüchtlinge Ukrainians began to actively seek international protection in Poland: updated data

Ukrainians began to actively seek international protection in Poland: updated data

In 2024, Ukrainians significantly increased the number of applications for international protection in Poland due to new legislative restrictions on obtaining foreign passports. Find out how changes in Ukrainian laws have affected the situation and how to obtain international protection

03 Sep. 2024

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Für Flüchtlinge How to switch from temporary protection to a working residence permit in Germany?

How to switch from temporary protection to a working residence permit in Germany?

Since the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, many Ukrainians have been granted temporary protection in the European Union, including Germany. However, many of them want to switch to a more stable and longer-term type of residence permit - a work permit (residence permit). Find out how to make the transition from temporary protection to a residence permit in Germany, what requirements need to be met, and what opportunities such a transition opens up

03 Sep. 2024

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3 min

Travel From Krakow to Lviv on a weekend: for Polish tourists

From Krakow to Lviv on a weekend: for Polish tourists

Residents of Polish border towns often choose to travel to Western Ukraine. Despite the relative proximity, traditions, culture and mentality are quite different. Find out how easy it is to get to Lviv from different Polish cities, where to visit in the western capital of Ukraine, and what hotels to stay in

03 Sep. 2024

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