Serbia Travel
Visa-free up to 90 days within 180 daysSprache
Serbian (official language), Albanian (in Kosovo and Metohija)Telefoncode
Serbian dinar (RSD)
1 RSD = 0,38 UAHZeitunterschied
There are no COVID restrictionsInsurance policy
Insurance policy recommended
Mindestgültigkeit des Reisepasses
mindestens 6 MonateVisum
Visa-free up to 90 days within 180 daysSprache
Serbian (official language), Albanian (in Kosovo and Metohija)Telefoncode
Serbian dinar (RSD)
1 RSD = 0,38 UAHZeitunterschied
There are no COVID restrictionsInsurance policy
Insurance policy recommended
Mindestgültigkeit des Reisepasses
mindestens 6 MonateTemporary entry
Temporary transit
Futures of countries
From October 8, 2021, entry is allowed for foreign citizens, for employees of foreign diplomatic missions, employees of international organizations, foreign citizens with temporary or permanent residence in the Republic of Serbia under the following conditions:
- the presence of a negative RT-PCR test Sars-CoV-2, made no later than 48 hours before entry, issued by an accredited laboratory of the country from which they are leaving or from which they enter the Republic of Serbia. Travelers must be tested before traveling, and not upon arrival in the Republic of Serbia. If at entry there is a delay due to unforeseen circumstances that could not be avoided or eliminated (delay / postponement of a flight, departure of buses, trains, etc.), then the test can be done no later than 72 hours before entering the Republic of Serbia;
- availability of a certificate of complete vaccination issued by the Republic of Serbia or a foreign state with which the Republic of Serbia has a signed agreement on the recognition of vaccination or on the basis of the actual mutual recognition of vaccination. Today Serbia recognizes vaccination certificates from such countries – Ukraine, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Georgia, Egypt, Estonia, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Armenia, Cape Verde, Cyprus, Lebanon, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Malta, Morocco, Moldova, Germany, San Marino, Slovakia, Tunisia, Finland, France, Netherlands, Croatia, Switzerland, Spain. The country only accepts vaccination certificates in the Diia app and paper certificates from the Diia portal with a QR code;
- confirmation of the transfer of the COVID-19 disease – a certificate or other document confirming that its owner has suffered a disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, that is, this virus is present in his body, provided that at least 14 days and no more than 6 months. The confirmation must be issued either by the competent authority of the Republic of Serbia, or by the competent authority of the country with which Serbia has signed an agreement or the actual mutual recognition of such documents.
These restrictions do not apply to such categories of citizens:
- For foreigners who are citizens of the Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro and Hungary;
- Foreigners who have a temporary or permanent residence permit in the Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro and Hungary and enter the Republic of Serbia directly from these countries, entry is allowed without a negative RT-PCR test, if provided that within 48 hours after crossing the border, they provide the relevant territorial medical institution of Serbia with a negative result of the RT-PCR test or antigen test, which was made in the appropriate laboratory of the Republic of Serbia;
- Foreigners who cross Serbia in transit (no more than 12 hours);
- employees of foreign diplomatic missions, employees of international organizations who have diplomatic cards of the Republic of Serbia and come from: the Republic of Albania, BiH, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of North Macedonia, the Republic of Croatia and Montenegro;
- Young children under 12 years of age.
* For foreign citizens aged 12-18 years, it is allowed to enter the territory of the Republic of Serbia without a negative PCR test, or a rapid antigen test, or a certificate of vaccination / confirmation of the transfer of the disease, provided that within the first 48 hours from the moment of crossing borders, the citizens will provide the relevant medical institution of the Republic of Serbia with the results of the PCR test or rapid antigen test;
- employees of foreign military, police and other security services who pass through the Republic of Serbia, or come to the Republic of Serbia to work, according to preliminary agreements;
- crew members and pilots whose destination is the Republic of Serbia;
- Drivers who are engaged in cargo transit transportation;
- crew members of cargo ships sailing through the territory of Serbia;
- bus drivers who are engaged in domestic and international transportation of passengers in cases of transit through the territory of Serbia, as well as in cases when the starting point and destination is the Republic of Serbia;
- a humanitarian convoy, the passage of which has been agreed upon through diplomatic channels;
- citizens who have been outside the territory of the Republic of Serbia for less than 48 hours and have a negative PCR test (48 hours) issued by the competent laboratory of the Republic of Serbia.
PCR test is not needed for:
- 12-hour transit through the territory of the Republic of Serbia (from the moment of crossing the border);
- passengers traveling to third countries through the airports of Serbia (transfer).
Businessmen who intend to visit Serbia for business reasons will have to inform the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry 48 hours in advance, which will inform the Border Police Administration.
How to inform about your arrival: 48 hours before the day of entry into Serbia, send a memorandum (duly signed, certified and registered) to the e-mail:
The memorandum must contain the following information:
- Name and surname of the person / persons arriving in the Republic of Serbia
- Passport number and name of the country in which the travel document is issued
- Business reason for coming to the Republic of Serbia
- Date of entry into Serbia and name of the border crossing point
- Flight number / vehicle registration number
- address of stay in the Republic of Serbia, duration of stay (from-to), contact phone number and e-mail of the person.
The Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry will immediately inform the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Border Police Administration about crossing the state border, but no later than 24 hours before the expected crossing of the state border.
If a businessman does not show a negative RT-PCR test or an antigen test for the SARS-CoV-2 virus within 24 hours after crossing the state border, or if the test for the SARS-CoV-2 virus is positive, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce will immediately inform about it. territorially competent institute of health care.
Embassy of Ukraine in Serbia
Address: ul. Paje Adamova 4, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Phone: +38111 367 2411; +38111 3672412
Hotline: +38163 111 3185
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