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27 Aug. 2022


Ryanair has ended the era of cheap tickets for 10 euros


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Ryanair has ended the era of cheap tickets for 10 euros

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Fuel prices are rising, which cannot but affect the cost of air transportation. Ryanair executive director Michael O'Leary said this in an interview with BBC radio. According to him, the low-cost carrier lost the opportunity to provide its services at record low rates.

He assured that in the next few years it will no longer be possible to buy tickets for 99 cents, 1 euro and even € 9.99. If last year the average price tag was € 40, then over the next five years the price will rise to around € 50.

According to O'Leary, higher airfares will not scare people enough to reduce the frequency and amount of air travel.

According to the director of Ryanair, customers will try to find cheaper options, rather than stop flying. Rising fuel prices will also lead to higher electricity bills and lower incomes, but that won't stop people.

In the last ten years, the services of air carriers have become significantly cheaper. It is quite logical that the number of flights has increased. In addition to annual vacations, people began to afford short trips by plane. That's why Ryanair and similar low-cost carriers are fighting for customers by offering low-cost flight tickets without additional service.

In addition, 2.4% of Co2 emissions in the world are caused by commercial air travel. Providers of such services face the need to reduce their negative impact on the environment. For this purpose, advertising campaigns are conducted, which convince consumers to use railway, road and other types of transport that do not cause such damage to the environment and climate.

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