3 min

War Why did Prigozhin agree to moscow's terms and how did it undermine putin's reputation?

Why did Prigozhin agree to moscow's terms and how did it undermine putin's reputation?

The attempted military coup in russia has not yet reached a logical conclusion. Find out why the Wagner leader accepted the kremlin's terms and how the agreement affected the world's perception of putin

27 Jun. 2023

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1 min

Popular Fake is always sweeter: how many Ukrainians can tell a lie and in what social networks it is more

Fake is always sweeter: how many Ukrainians can tell a lie and in what social networks it is more

The limited media literacy and distrust of traditional sources of information among Ukrainians increase the risk of falling into the trap of fake news. Find out what percentage of Ukrainians can recognize false information and how to fight fake news on the Internet

26 Jun. 2023

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1 min

Travel Passport check: important aspects to consider before traveling abroad

Passport check: important aspects to consider before traveling abroad

Checking your passport before traveling is a critical step that you should pay attention to, in particular, its validity and the correctness of the data provided. Find out more about how to avoid trouble and ensure a successful border crossing

26 Jun. 2023

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2 min

War Terrorist attack on ZNPP: what is known about the preparations and what to expect from russia

Terrorist attack on ZNPP: what is known about the preparations and what to expect from russia

On the evening of June 25, the Ukrainian authorities announced that the plan for a terrorist attack on the ZNPP had been fully developed and approved. Find out why the situation at the plant is called critical and what to expect from russia

26 Jun. 2023

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2 min

Way to Victory What does Prigozhin's rebellion against the russian government mean for Ukraine?

What does Prigozhin's rebellion against the russian government mean for Ukraine?

According to experts, the justice march led by Yevgeny Prigozhin is only the beginning of irreversible changes in russia. Find out how the conflict between the Wagner leader and the russian Ministry of Defense will affect Ukraine and the developments at the front

26 Jun. 2023

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1 min

War International Day in Support of Victims of Torture: why torture continues in the 21st century

International Day in Support of Victims of Torture: why torture continues in the 21st century

The international community has resisted the spread of various forms of violence and abuse. But with the outbreak of full-scale war in Ukraine, the situation has worsened. Find out why torture continues and which organizations support torture victims

26 Jun. 2023

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3 min

Popular Business in russia: how doing business in the occupying country affects the reputation of international companies

Business in russia: how doing business in the occupying country affects the reputation of international companies

After the start of the full-scale invasion, most international companies left the russian market. Find out more about how continuing to operate in russia affects business reputation and how to "pay off" the list of war sponsors

25 Jun. 2023

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3 min

War Zaporizhzhya NPP satellite: how the city of Enerhodar lives today

Zaporizhzhya NPP satellite: how the city of Enerhodar lives today

The city of Enerhodar, home to the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, is currently under occupation. Find out more about the city and its life in today's realities

25 Jun. 2023

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