2 min

Popular World Food Safety Day: how much food has russia exported from Ukraine

World Food Safety Day: how much food has russia exported from Ukraine

Every year, the civilized world celebrates World Food Safety Day. For a long time, Ukraine has been suffering from an inadequate neighbor that exports grain. Find out more about how much grain and other products the aggressor has exported

07 Jun. 2023

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3 min

War Kakhovka Dam: why putin ordered the hydroelectric power plant to be blown up and why history repeated itself

Kakhovka Dam: why putin ordered the hydroelectric power plant to be blown up and why history repeated itself

On June 6, a terrorist country caused the largest man-made disaster in recent decades. Find out why putin ordered the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant and why history repeated itself 82 years later

07 Jun. 2023

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1 min

Documents Ukrainians can apply for and exchange a passport abroad: in which countries the service is available

Ukrainians can apply for and exchange a passport abroad: in which countries the service is available

Separate subdivisions of SE "Document" have started their work in different European countries and continue to expand this list. We tell you where Ukrainians can exchange passport documents abroad

07 Jun. 2023

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1 min

War Nuclear disarmament: why Ukraine gave up nuclear weapons and whether their deployment in Belarus is legal

Nuclear disarmament: why Ukraine gave up nuclear weapons and whether their deployment in Belarus is legal

In 1996, Ukraine was made to believe that the world was tired of the terrible World War and refused to solve problems by force of arms. But as time has shown, this is an absolute lie. Find out how and why Ukraine gave up nuclear weapons

06 Jun. 2023

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3 min

Popular Atypical Kharkiv: facts you didn't know about the first capital of Ukraine

Atypical Kharkiv: facts you didn't know about the first capital of Ukraine

Kharkiv is a comfortable, smart and green metropolis with a long and impressive history. And many experts agree that it is a unique city. Learn more about modern Kharkiv with us

06 Jun. 2023

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2 min

War russia blows up Kakhovka Dam in Kherson region: consequences and scale of the disaster

russia blows up Kakhovka Dam in Kherson region: consequences and scale of the disaster

On the morning of June 6, russia created perhaps the largest man-made disaster in Europe in recent decades. The lives of thousands of civilians are at risk. Find out what are the consequences of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant explosion and why russia took this step

06 Jun. 2023

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1 min

Popular Men's travel abroad 2023: will the EU impose restrictions on Ukrainian men

Men's travel abroad 2023: will the EU impose restrictions on Ukrainian men

Ukrainians crossing the border of the European Union automatically become refugees if they need this status. Find out more about whether the European Commission plans to impose restrictions on men of military age

06 Jun. 2023

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1 min

War Journalist's Day: the history of the holiday and the significance of media workers' work in times of war

Journalist's Day: the history of the holiday and the significance of media workers' work in times of war

Every year on June 6, Ukraine celebrates its professional holiday, Journalist's Day. Today, the work of media professionals is one of the most dangerous. Learn more about the history of the holiday and the role of journalists during the war

06 Jun. 2023

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