2 min

War International Day of UN Peacekeepers: what is Ukraine's role in peacekeeping missions

International Day of UN Peacekeepers: what is Ukraine's role in peacekeeping missions

The UN peacekeeping contingent was created to resolve situations in post-conflict countries. Learn more about the functions of peacekeepers and the missions Ukraine has participated in

29 May. 2023

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1 min

Work How much do Ukrainians get paid abroad: average salaries and the most popular professions

How much do Ukrainians get paid abroad: average salaries and the most popular professions

Since the outbreak of the full-scale war, millions of Ukrainians have left for Europe. Most of them have already found jobs, but there are also those who are still looking for work. Find out more about the most popular vacancies for Ukrainian citizens in the EU and their salaries

29 May. 2023

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2 min

Popular Ukraine vs Europe: What do Ukrainians lack in European countries?

Ukraine vs Europe: What do Ukrainians lack in European countries?

For more than a year now, many Ukrainian citizens have been forced to seek temporary protection and make their way in European countries. Find out what Ukrainians miss the most and what they would change in European countries

29 May. 2023

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1 min

Finance New benefit programs for Ukrainians in Poland: how to get up to PLN 6 thousand

New benefit programs for Ukrainians in Poland: how to get up to PLN 6 thousand

Ukrainian refugees in different cities of Poland can receive new financial assistance up to PLN 6000. Find out more about who is eligible and how to apply for the benefit

29 May. 2023

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2 min

Documents Crimes against culture: Ukraine has created a Red List of endangered cultural property

Crimes against culture: Ukraine has created a Red List of endangered cultural property

Ukrainian cultural heritage is under threat due to the massive export of historical property by the occupiers. Find out what historical and cultural values of Ukraine are on the Red List and what is the significance of the document

29 May. 2023

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2 min

War What will Ukraine look like after the war and how will people change?

What will Ukraine look like after the war and how will people change?

After 24 February 2022, the life of every Ukrainian citizen changed forever. Find out more about what awaits the country after the Victory and how Ukrainians will change

28 May. 2023

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2 min

Way to Victory The phenomenon of the impossible: how Ukraine has changed during the war and military and political support

The phenomenon of the impossible: how Ukraine has changed during the war and military and political support

The last year has been a telling one, proving to the world that the boundaries of the possible can melt before our eyes. Find out how international support and Ukraine itself have changed since the beginning of the full-scale invasion

28 May. 2023

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3 min

Popular Chestnuts, an archangel and a cake: the main symbols of Kyiv and their history

Chestnuts, an archangel and a cake: the main symbols of Kyiv and their history

Traditionally, the Ukrainian capital celebrates Kyiv Day on the last Sunday of May. Find out more about the main symbols of the capital, their meaning and history

28 May. 2023

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