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Work Safe employment in Poland: what Ukrainians need to remember

Safe employment in Poland: what Ukrainians need to remember

Ukrainians who found refuge in Poland after February 24, 2022 can legally work in the country. Learn more about what you need to remember when hiring to avoid falling into the hands of fraudsters and unscrupulous employers

17 Jan. 2023

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Documents Opening an IP in Poland for Ukrainians: what documents are required, the registration process and free consultations

Opening an IP in Poland for Ukrainians: what documents are required, the registration process and free consultations

IP is the Polish equivalent of a way of doing business as a natural person-entrepreneur (an analogue of the Ukrainian sole proprietorship). Learn more about who can open an IP in Poland, what package of documents is required and the registration algorithm

16 Jan. 2023

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Cost of living Cost of living in Romania: rent, food, medical care

Cost of living in Romania: rent, food, medical care

Romania attracts migrants with fairly moderate prices and picturesque landscapes. This country is one of the most comfortable places to live. Learn more about prices for food, utilities and apartment rentals

16 Jan. 2023

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For refugees Help points for Ukrainians in Poland: where to go in a difficult situation

Help points for Ukrainians in Poland: where to go in a difficult situation

Since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine, more than 300 aid points for Ukrainian refugees have been deployed in Poland. Find out more about the contacts of institutions and what help Ukrainians can get at specialized points

16 Jan. 2023

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Popular The Ukrainian language in everyday life or as a nightingale language has become a trend in 2022: survey results

The Ukrainian language in everyday life or as a nightingale language has become a trend in 2022: survey results

The use of the Ukrainian language in everyday life increased significantly during 2022. The Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) conducted a survey and found out that Ukrainians began to speak their native language more often at home, at work, at school or when searching for information on the Internet. Learn more about the results of the new survey

15 Jan. 2023

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Finance Financial assistance to Ukrainians in Spain: how to get 200 euros for groceries

Financial assistance to Ukrainians in Spain: how to get 200 euros for groceries

Spain continues to provide support to refugees from Ukraine who have found refuge in the country. The Spanish government is introducing a new monetary aid to Ukrainians in the amount of 200 euros, which can be spent on buying products in local stores. Learn more about how to get funds

15 Jan. 2023

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Documents Residence permit (karta czasowego pobytu) in Poland: the most common mistakes when submitting documents

Residence permit (karta czasowego pobytu) in Poland: the most common mistakes when submitting documents

In order to be able to legally stay in Poland for a long time, it is necessary to have a Polish residence permit - a broken card. It gives the right to stay in the country, work and travel. In order to avoid inconveniences during registration, learn more about mistakes that are often made when submitting documents

15 Jan. 2023

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For refugees New rules of social assistance and placement of Ukrainians in the Netherlands: what you need to know

New rules of social assistance and placement of Ukrainians in the Netherlands: what you need to know

The Netherlands continues to provide assistance to Ukrainians who have found refuge in the country. However, in the near future, new rules for the assistance and accommodation of refugees will enter into force. Learn more about what changes are being implemented

14 Jan. 2023

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