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07 Sep. 2023


Ukraine to change rules for importing humanitarian aid: details

Ukraine to change rules for importing humanitarian aid: details

From 1 December 2023, the rules for importing humanitarian aid into Ukraine will change. Find out more about the changes and how they will simplify the import of aid for the military

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The Ministry of Social Policy announces the adoption of new rules for the importation and accounting of humanitarian aid to Ukraine. The relevant decision was made by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 5 September.

 It is noted that the innovations will come into force on 1 December 2023. 

What changes will take place in the process of importing humanitarian aid to Ukraine - we will tell you further in the article. 

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How will the rules for importing and accounting for humanitarian aid change? 

"At a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on 5 September, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution "Some issues of humanitarian aid entry and accounting under martial law". According to the resolution, the general rules for the importation and accounting of humanitarian aid will be changed. Also, from now on, information on all humanitarian aid sent to Ukraine will be digitised in an automated system," the Ministry of Social Policy said.

The main change in the rules will be the introduction of an accessible electronic tool for accounting for humanitarian aid. 

From now on, organisations planning to import humanitarian aid to Ukraine using the Automated Humanitarian Aid Registration System platform will be able to register on the website, create and submit a declaration on the import of aid. The declaration will be immediately sent to the customs. 

Thanks to this platform, the submitted declaration will automatically receive a unique code. This code will be used by customs officers to allow the cargo to proceed. 

A decision was also made to require public reporting by organisations importing humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

"After the organisation has imported humanitarian aid into Ukraine, it will have to make an inventory in the system before distributing it, as well as enter data on the place and time of distribution, whether there are any leftovers and what their volume is. Such a mechanism will be able to show the full path of humanitarian aid from the donor through the recipient to those who will receive the aid. This will guarantee the transparency of the process," the Ministry commented.

It is also noted that the adopted resolution cancels the need for letters of guarantee, which means less bureaucracy for organisations importing humanitarian aid for the military.

To recap. Recently, Ukraine launched eCherga, an electronic border crossing queue for buses and cars. Read here to find out whether eCherga has affected the congestion at the border crossing points and what the situation is now at the borders of Ukraine.

Photo: Shutterstock

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