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12 Mär. 2024


Diia can be used as a digital wallet in EU countries: what is known

Diia can be used as a digital wallet in EU countries: what is known

The European Parliament has approved the launch of a digital wallet, which brings about positive changes for Ukraine. Find out what services will be available to Diia app users in Europe and when it will be possible

Take care of insurance for safe entry into Ukraine
Take care of insurance for safe entry into Ukraine

This week, the European Parliament voted to create a legislative framework for digital identification in the European Union, which is the basis for accelerating the implementation of the European Digital Wallet (EUDI). According to Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov, Ukraine will join the pilot project.

"Ukraine is the only country in the consortium that is not currently a member of the EU, but is already actively involved in the process of shaping the future of electronic identification in the EU. The team of the Ministry of Digital Transformation is participating in an EU pilot project to test the cross-border interaction of Diia," Fedorov said in a statement.

What services will be available after the introduction of the digital wallet in the EU?

The Ukrainian digital wallet is Diia, and the European identification wallet will also be in the form of a mobile product and will contain the user's personal data in a secure electronic form and will be able to share it.

According to Mykhailo Fedorov, after the introduction of the EUDI digital identification system, Ukrainians will be able to use Diia in the EU, and Europeans will be able to use their digital wallets in Ukraine.

Thus, as part of the pilot project, Potential will test six different types of services, which will likely be available online. It is expected that a digital wallet will allow you to

– open a bank account

– use government services;

– have permanent access to driver's licenses in the profile;

– use an electronic signature;

– receive electronic medical prescriptions;

– register a SIM card, etc.

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When will digital wallets appear in Europe?

According to Fedorov, the member states of the POTENTIAL consortium should present their national wallets to the EU within two years, and testing of prototypes should be completed by April 2025.

At the same time, the European Commission is to publish unified requirements for EUDI wallets by the end of the first quarter of this year. However, Diia has implemented most of the EUDI functions long before the presentation of the European Commission's proposal. And the next task is to achieve recognition in the EU.

Remember! When planning a trip to Ukraine, first of all, you need to take care of the appropriate insurance policy, because any foreign insurance automatically terminates after crossing the Ukrainian border. In this case, we recommend that you take out insurance specifically covering military risks, which will cover not only standard medical care/treatment/diagnosis, etc. but also accidents and injuries caused by passive or direct military risks.

You can take out such insurance on the Visit Ukraine website. Follow the link and choose an insurance policy with the appropriate coverage and indemnity amount for the required period.

We remind you! The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted a draft law on the implementation of European roaming legislation. After its adoption, Ukraine will be able to join the Roam like at home single roaming area with the EU. Read how tariffs will change and what other innovations Ukrainians can expect in the near future in our previous article.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

We recommend purchasing it for a safe and comfortable trip to Ukraine: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance – safe travel in Ukraine (insurance covering military risks);

Visit Ukraine Legal advice – comprehensive legal support on entry to Ukraine;
Visit Ukraine Tickets – bus and train tickets to/from Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Tours – the largest online database of tours to Ukraine for every taste;

Visit Ukraine Hotels – hotels for a comfortable stay in Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Merch – patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

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