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22 Jun. 2024


Heatwave in Europe: what is happening and how does it affect the tourist season?

Heatwave in Europe: what is happening and how does it affect the tourist season?

The European tourist season of 2024 is under threat due to the heat wave. Find out how extreme weather conditions are affecting popular resorts and which countries are most affected

An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside your home country
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside your home country

The summer of 2024 promised to be ideal for tourists: the travel industry had finally returned to pre-pandemic levels, and popular resorts were preparing to welcome travelers from all over the world. However, the abnormal heat is already ruining vacationers' plans. This is reported by businessinsider.

Experts predict that this summer may become one of the hottest in history. The peak temperature has not yet arrived, but the rapid rise in temperature is already causing problems at European resorts. In July and August, the situation may only get worse.

The most affected countries: where is the heat the worst?


Greece, especially the island of Rhodes, suffered the most from the extreme heat. Last year, the holiday season was disrupted by forest fires, and tourists affected by the disaster were offered a free vacation in Rhodes in 2024. However, the abnormal heat wave may again spoil the plans. In addition, the island was recently shaken by an earthquake. Due to the threatening weather conditions, the country's authorities decided to temporarily close some tourist locations.


Cyprus recorded a record heat wave, which has already led to forest fires. The tourist season has not yet been canceled, but it is under threat.

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Spain's Menorca is facing variable weather conditions: first, tourists suffer from the heat, and then they flee the beaches due to heavy rains.

The abnormal heat creates serious challenges for the tourism industry in Europe. Travelers should be cautious and take weather conditions into account when planning their routes. It is important to follow the official messages and safety recommendations.

Remember that reliable insurance is the key to a tourist's confidence and safety while traveling. After all, an insurance policy will not only help you get high-quality medical care, but also save your own money in an unforeseen situation, for example, in case of a flight delay or loss of luggage at the airport. You can take out insurance for traveling around the world on the Visit Ukraine portal at this link.

We remind you! There are many resorts in Europe that offer comfortable conditions for relaxation. These destinations are ideal for those who want to enjoy tranquility and nature without suffering from high temperatures and tourist hype. Read about a selection of lesser-known European resorts that are worth visiting this season here.

Photo: AFP via Getty Images

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Daria Rogova, Head of Insurance at Visit Ukraine

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