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17 Sep. 2024


The eDozvil system will be launched in Ukraine on 18 September: what documents will be available there

The eDozvil system will be launched in Ukraine on 18 September: what documents will be available there

Ukrainian entrepreneurs will now be able to obtain some permits online. Find out what useful features will be available in the еDozvil system and who they can help

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Ukraine is launching the Unified State Electronic System of Permits - eDozvil in Diia. The service will be available to Ukrainians from 18 September. 

After the system is launched, entrepreneurs will be able to register a declaration of compliance of their material and technical facilities with the requirements of labour protection legislation. 

Business representatives will be able to submit the declaration online, and the eDozvil system will automatically check and register it.

Who can use the service?

This e-service is essential for businesses that use heavy machinery and equipment in their production, as it allows them to timely and correctly file a declaration of compliance of their material and technical base with the requirements of labour protection legislation.

This helps to ensure safety at workplaces, minimise the risk of occupational injuries, and avoid fines and other sanctions for non-compliance with occupational health and safety standards.

How will it work?

It is worth noting that 13.2 thousand entrepreneurs submitted a similar document last year. Before that, the document could be returned if certain information was missing.

In this case, businesses had to go through the filing process again. 

Now the filing of declarations will be automated. The system will check the completeness of the information and indicate if any of the fields are not filled in. If all the fields are filled in, there will be no returns at all. That is, if you managed to send a declaration through an action, the system will automatically accept it.

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What services will be available in eDozvil in the future?

The government is working on expanding the list of services that businesses will be able to obtain through the permit. At a meeting on 13 September, the government added to this list the conclusion of the Ministry of Economy, which gives the right to extend the deadline for settlements for export-import operations.

Entrepreneurs are to be given the opportunity to obtain a conclusion that gives them the right to extend the deadline for settling export and import transactions. This service is expected to be launched in October.

This feature can be used for transactions, for example, involving the import of complex technical products that require significant time to manufacture or transport, import of military goods, goods ordered through international tenders, etc. 

The government aims to convert all permits and licences into electronic format.

For qualified legal assistance, please contact Visit Ukraine specialists. Tax and other areas of legislation can be consulted on request.

We remind you! A new initiative has been introduced in Ukraine to support students studying on a contract basis. Using the Diia platform, you can now receive a state grant to pay for your studies. Read here to find out who is eligible and how to apply.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

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gestellte Fragen
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