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19 Sep. 2024


Poland opens evening schools for Ukrainian children: what will they study and how to enroll?

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Poland opens evening schools for Ukrainian children: what will they study and how to enroll?

Starting in September, Ukrainian children will be able to attend free evening schools in four Polish cities. Here, students in grades 8-11 will be able to study basic subjects and participate in social activities. Find out more about the initiative and how to enroll

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Legal advice on education abroad for Ukrainians

In the 2024/25 school year, free evening schools for Ukrainian students in grades 8-11 are opening in Poland. As reported on the Facebook page of the Unbreakable Ukraine Foundation, these educational spaces were created at the initiative of the Unbreakable Ukraine Foundation and CARE Poland to help children continue their studies under the Ukrainian program.

What will children study at the evening schools?

At the classes, students will study the main subjects: math, Ukrainian, Polish, English and history. For 8th grade students, math training will help them pass the Polish eighth grade exam. Students in grades 9-10 will be taught a general program to improve their knowledge, and grade 11 will prepare for the Ukrainian Independent Testing (NMT).

It is important that language classes will be held in groups according to the level of knowledge, not according to the “school curriculum,” and history will be taught in the format of “education” or interactive games.

In addition to standard subjects, students will have career guidance classes, visit Polish companies and institutions to get acquainted with different professions. The children will also be able to participate in social events, visit museums and cinemas, talk to psychologists, and take part in interactive activities.

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Where will the classes be held?

Classes are organized in four major cities of Poland: Warsaw, Gdansk, Lodz, and Poznan. Training will be held twice a week in the evening.

Please note! Children will be able to choose whether to attend all classes or only certain subjects.

Preliminary addresses of the educational institutions

📍 Warsaw: Al. Jerozolimskie 179

📍 Gdansk: ul. Rogalinska 17, 80-809

📍 Łódź: Plac Wolności 12, 91-415

📍 Poznan: os. Jagiellońskie 128, 61-223

How to enroll in a Ukrainian evening school in Poland?

Classes will start in September. An application for participation can be submitted through a special form on the website of the “Unbreakable Ukraine” Foundation. After registration, participants will be sent detailed information about the class schedule. All questions regarding the application process or training can be sent to the following email address: office@nezlamna.org.

We remind you! According to the new rules, starting from September 2024, all children under temporary protection in Poland must attend local schools. Previously, parents could choose distance learning in the Ukrainian system, but now this does not exempt them from compulsory education in Poland. Exceptions apply only to graduates who will take the NMT in Ukraine. Parents who do not enroll their children in Polish schools may lose their benefits and receive fines. Read more about the new requirements for school education of Ukrainian children in Poland in our previous article.

Photo: luminastock, Depositphotos

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gestellte Fragen
Welche Strafe droht, wenn ein Kind keine polnische Schule besucht?
Die Nichterfüllung der Schulpflicht wird geahndet. Zunächst wird eine Verwarnung an die Eltern geschickt, und wenn diese ignoriert wird, wird eine Geldstrafe gegen die Person verhängt. Eine einmalige Geldstrafe darf 10.000 PLN (ca. 100.000 UAH) nicht überschreiten, und der Gesamtbetrag mehrerer Geldstrafen darf 50.000 PLN (ca. 500.000 UAH) nicht überschreiten.
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Wie kann ich mein Kind nach der Rückkehr in die Ukraine in einer Schule anmelden?

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