2 min

Travel Discover Ukraine for yourself: a selection of excursions and tours for June 2024

Discover Ukraine for yourself: a selection of excursions and tours for June 2024

Summer is a period of travel, rest and positive emotions that warm the soul all year round. Learn more about where to go in June 2024 in Ukraine

03 Jun. 2024

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1 min

Finance Premium cars, accessories and hotels: the luxury market has grown in Poland and Ukrainians are also involved

Premium cars, accessories and hotels: the luxury market has grown in Poland and Ukrainians are also involved

Ukrainian refugees have affected the growth of Poland's luxury market, which was valued at around $10.8bn last year. Find out which products made the market show growth again

02 Jun. 2024

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2 min

Für Flüchtlinge Closing centers and cutting benefits: Ireland introduces new changes for Ukrainians

Closing centers and cutting benefits: Ireland introduces new changes for Ukrainians

Refugees from Ukraine who are in Ireland or planning to come to the country should be prepared for changes. In particular, the local authorities are preparing to close assistance centers and reduce payments. Read more about the update

02 Jun. 2024

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Krieg What businesses were most often closed in Ukraine during the full-scale war?

What businesses were most often closed in Ukraine during the full-scale war?

Last year, just over 4,000 companies were closed in Ukraine, which is half as many as in 2021, but the quantitative figure does not reflect the full picture. Find out which businesses were most often closed during the war and which Ukrainian cities are leading in terms of the number of liquidated companies

02 Jun. 2024

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3 min

Arbeit Employment for Ukrainians in Germany: everything you need to know

Employment for Ukrainians in Germany: everything you need to know

Germany has one of the most powerful economies in Europe, which has a positive impact on the living standards of its population. That is why, after the start of the full-scale invasion, a large number of Ukrainians chose this country as a new place for permanent residence and work. Find out more about the labor market in Germany, employment opportunities and salaries in 2024

02 Jun. 2024

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2 min

Transport Traffic rules, fines and toll roads in Spain: everything drivers need to know

Traffic rules, fines and toll roads in Spain: everything drivers need to know

Knowing about traffic rules, fines and toll roads in Spain will help you avoid trouble and make your journey comfortable and safe. Find out what a driver needs to know before travelling to Spain

02 Jun. 2024

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2 min

Tourists in Ukraine Madagascar, Bangladesh, Venezuela, Haiti, and the DPRK: What other unexpected countries did foreigners come to Ukraine from in 2024?

Madagascar, Bangladesh, Venezuela, Haiti, and the DPRK: What other unexpected countries did foreigners come to Ukraine from in 2024?

More than half a million foreigners visited Ukraine in the first quarter of 2024, including not only citizens of neighboring countries but also tourists from very remote parts of the world. Find out how many of these brave travelers there were, from which unexpected countries they came, and for what purpose

02 Jun. 2024

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3 min

Für Flüchtlinge Moving to Sweden in 2024: residence permit, labor market and citizenship acquisition

Moving to Sweden in 2024: residence permit, labor market and citizenship acquisition

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, a large number of Ukrainians have chosen Sweden as a new place of permanent residence. This is due to the high standard of living, stable economy and decent salaries. Learn more about the peculiarities of moving to Sweden in 2024

01 Jun. 2024

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