1 min

Popular Do 17-year-olds have to travel to Ukraine to register for the military: what the Rada and government say

Do 17-year-olds have to travel to Ukraine to register for the military: what the Rada and government say

The Ukrainian Defence Ministry has made a statement about the registration of 17-year-old boys who are now living abroad. They say that such persons should report to the TCC. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian government says the opposite. Find out what Ukrainian teenagers have to look forward to and how lawmakers want to solve this problem

06 Jun. 2024

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3 min

Regeln für die Einreise Trip to Ukraine from Romania in 2024: how to make a convenient route and useful tips for tourists

Trip to Ukraine from Romania in 2024: how to make a convenient route and useful tips for tourists

In 2024, foreigners will continue to come to Ukraine, because there are no restrictions on entry. The only thing that complicates the journey is closed air space. Find out about the most convenient travel routes from Romania to Ukraine and current entry rules

06 Jun. 2024

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2 min

Für Flüchtlinge Karta pobytu for Ukrainian refugees: how to get a temporary residence permit in Poland in 2024? (updated)

Karta pobytu for Ukrainian refugees: how to get a temporary residence permit in Poland in 2024? (updated)

Citizens of Ukraine in Poland who have a PESEL number with the status of UKR can obtain a temporary residence permit (Karta pobytu). Find out more about what is required to obtain the document in 2024

06 Jun. 2024

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2 min

Travel Will Ukrainians go on vacation in 2024: Gradus summer season survey

Will Ukrainians go on vacation in 2024: Gradus summer season survey

Despite the ongoing hostilities, a significant number of Ukrainians are planning to travel to reboot and gain strength. Find out more about where Ukrainians will spend their summer vacation and what priorities they prioritize when choosing a vacation destination in 2024

06 Jun. 2024

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1 min

Veranstaltungen The lavender season starts in Dobropark near Kyiv: what do the themed photo zones look like and what are the ticket prices?

The lavender season starts in Dobropark near Kyiv: what do the themed photo zones look like and what are the ticket prices?

In mid-June, Dobropark will turn into a real lavender paradise. Visitors will be able to enjoy the flowering, take beautiful photos at the equipped locations and buy flowers and lavender souvenirs. Find out when the season starts, what the organizers have prepared and how much tickets will cost

06 Jun. 2024

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1 min

Popular Deferment for fathers with many children: men will have to bring an additional document to the military commissariat

Deferment for fathers with many children: men will have to bring an additional document to the military commissariat

Ukrainian men who have three or more children are, according to the law, exempted from mobilisation into the army. However, in order to receive a deferment they need to provide documents confirming the status of having many children. As it turned out, the list of such documents has expanded. Find out what other papers need to be submitted to the TCC

05 Jun. 2024

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1 min

Veranstaltungen European Parliament elections: how EU policy may change and whether it will affect Ukraine

European Parliament elections: how EU policy may change and whether it will affect Ukraine

Elections to the European Parliament have started in the European Union. At the moment, the "European People's Party", which clearly supports Ukraine, seems to be losing seats. Find out what to expect from the elections and what chances the right-wing forces have

05 Jun. 2024

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2 min

Popular Verkhovna Rada passes law on English language in Ukraine: what will change

Verkhovna Rada passes law on English language in Ukraine: what will change

The Parliament passed a bill regulating the use of the English language in Ukraine. In particular, the innovations relate to education, civil service, law enforcement, as well as cultural and transportation. Find out more about who will now be required to speak English and other important details

05 Jun. 2024

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