2 min

Culture Ancient buildings, churches and manors: how many architectural monuments in Ukraine fell victim to the war

Ancient buildings, churches and manors: how many architectural monuments in Ukraine fell victim to the war

The russian army, which came to Ukraine with the war, regularly launches missile strikes against civilian objects, including cultural heritage sites, some of which are considered historical assets of the country. Find out in which regions the russians have destroyed most of Ukraine's cultural sites

13 Mai. 2024

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Krieg Putin changes defence minister for the first time in 12 years: how it could affect the war

Putin changes defence minister for the first time in 12 years: how it could affect the war

russia has unexpectedly fired Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and appointed a civilian official far from the military to replace him. Find out who they are talking about and what Ukraine should expect now

13 Mai. 2024

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Finance Pensionable service: how can Ukrainians buy years for retirement and how much will it cost in 2024?

Pensionable service: how can Ukrainians buy years for retirement and how much will it cost in 2024?

Since recently, Ukrainian citizens have been able to buy insurance periods for their future pensions or increase their pension amount. Ukrainians living abroad can also do this. Learn more about how to do this and how much you will have to pay

13 Mai. 2024

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2 min

Travel Climbing the mountains: Hoverla, Khomyak, Yavirnyk and Kostel – the best routes in the Ukrainian Carpathians

Climbing the mountains: Hoverla, Khomyak, Yavirnyk and Kostel – the best routes in the Ukrainian Carpathians

The Ukrainian Carpathians are an ideal place for travelers looking for a little adrenaline and a lot of unforgettable experiences. And what's more, regardless of the level of physical fitness, everyone can find a suitable route for themselves here. Learn more about the features and level of difficulty of the routes available to tourists

13 Mai. 2024

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2 min

Documents New law on the provision of administrative services to Ukrainians: details

New law on the provision of administrative services to Ukrainians: details

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted a draft law on the provision of administrative services to Ukrainians, including those abroad. Learn more about the details of the new law and the specifics of administrative services

13 Mai. 2024

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2 min

Für Flüchtlinge EU extends temporary protection for refugees from Ukraine: important details

EU extends temporary protection for refugees from Ukraine: important details

Ukraine and the European Commission have agreed to extend temporary protection for Ukrainians in the EU. The status will be reviewed only after the security situation in the country improves. Learn more about the changes in obtaining temporary protection for Ukrainians in the EU

13 Mai. 2024

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1 min

Transport An electronic queue for buses has been launched on the border with Romania: details

An electronic queue for buses has been launched on the border with Romania: details

As part of the reform of international bus transportation, the Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure has launched an electronic queue at the checkpoints between Ukraine and Romania. Find out at which checkpoints you can now cross the border without waiting in line and for which flights online check-in is available

13 Mai. 2024

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3 min

Ausbildung Admission to Ukrainian universities during the war: useful tips for international students in 2024

Admission to Ukrainian universities during the war: useful tips for international students in 2024

Despite the war and danger, foreign students continue to enroll in Ukrainian higher education institutions. This is not surprising, as the quality of Ukrainian education meets international requirements and standards. Learn more about the specifics of admission to Ukrainian universities for international students in 2024

12 Mai. 2024

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