2 min

Popular What situation with light to expect Ukrainians in the coming winter: there are several scenarios

What situation with light to expect Ukrainians in the coming winter: there are several scenarios

The electricity situation in Ukraine has deteriorated significantly after the latest russian shelling. Against the background of warm weather, Ukrainians are still feeling the consequences of these attacks. However, cold weather will soon arrive in the country and it is not quite clear what to expect during the winter period. Find out what forecasts experts are giving and what scenarios are being considered in general

06 Sep. 2024

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2 min

Finance How Ukrainians can safely buy real estate abroad: practical tips

How Ukrainians can safely buy real estate abroad: practical tips

Buying real estate abroad can be a profitable investment, but it requires careful preparation. Find out how to avoid risks and protect your interests with the help of advice and legal support from our experts

06 Sep. 2024

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3 min

Travel How much does it cost to come to Ukraine as a tourist: hotels, food, transportation, excursions

How much does it cost to come to Ukraine as a tourist: hotels, food, transportation, excursions

Although access to Ukraine for foreigners has become somewhat more difficult due to the ongoing war, Ukraine continues to attract tourists with its rich cultural heritage, fascinating nature, and reasonable prices. Find out how much it costs for a tourist to visit Ukraine today and how best to do it

06 Sep. 2024

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2 min

Travel Astronomy is an art: observatories worth visiting in Ukraine

Astronomy is an art: observatories worth visiting in Ukraine

Observatories have long attracted people's attention. Scientific institutions have studied astronomical phenomena, weather and climate change. Nowadays, tourists have the opportunity to see the research process with their own eyes. Find out which observatories you can visit in Ukraine to get involved in the art of astronomy and meteorology

06 Sep. 2024

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2 min

Für Flüchtlinge Ukrainer in Deutschland: Wird sich die deutsche Flüchtlings- und Migrationspolitik ändern?

Ukrainer in Deutschland: Wird sich die deutsche Flüchtlings- und Migrationspolitik ändern?

Die deutsche Flüchtlings- und Migrationspolitik könnte sich aufgrund des Drucks der Opposition und der steigenden Zahl von Asylanträgen ändern. Erfahren Sie, welche Änderungen von der Regierung und der Opposition vorgeschlagen werden und wie sich dies auf die Migrationssituation im Land und insbesondere auf die Ukrainer auswirken könnte

06 Sep. 2024

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2 min

Popular Where to look for mysterious red sculptures in Kyiv and what do they mean?

Where to look for mysterious red sculptures in Kyiv and what do they mean?

Five red sculptures have appeared on the streets of Kyiv. These art objects were installed on the occasion of Ukraine's Independence Day and have not only artistic but also deep social and political significance. We'll tell you where to find them and what the meaning of each of them is

05 Sep. 2024

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1 min

Popular Large-scale government reset in Ukraine: names of new ministers revealed

Large-scale government reset in Ukraine: names of new ministers revealed

Significant personnel changes are taking place in the Ukrainian government. Parliament has already dismissed four ministers. Find out who has already resigned and who has been appointed to new positions

05 Sep. 2024

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1 min

Veranstaltungen The museum in Pirogovo will host the festival Living Culture - Living World: details

The museum in Pirogovo will host the festival Living Culture - Living World: details

The Open Air Museum in Pyrohiv will soon host the Living Culture - Living World festival. This event will bring together the brightest elements of Ukraine's intangible cultural heritage recognized by UNESCO and allow you to immerse yourself in traditions. Find out more about what else will be interesting at the event

05 Sep. 2024

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