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21 Mär. 2025


How much does it cost to get a residence permit in Ukraine: official fees and additional costs

Für Ausländer in UA
How much does it cost to get a residence permit in Ukraine: official fees and additional costs

Obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine involves official fees and additional costs. Find out how much it costs to obtain a permanent residence permit and a temporary residence permit in 2025, what mandatory payments are required, and how to avoid unnecessary expenses with legal support

Legal assistance on entry, stay and legalization of foreigners in Ukraine
Legal assistance on entry, stay and legalization of foreigners in Ukraine

A residence permit in Ukraine (temporary or permanent) gives foreigners the right to legally stay in the country for a long time. However, obtaining this document is accompanied by a number of official fees and additional costs. In this article, we will consider how much it costs to obtain a residence permit in Ukraine in 2025.

Costs of obtaining a residence permit: official fees

State duty and administrative fee

When submitting documents, you must pay a mandatory administrative fee. Its amount depends on the type of residence permit:

● Temporary residence permit (TRP) - about UAH 900-1300 (depending on the urgency of the application ).

● Permanent residence permit (PRP) - approximately UAH 1500 - 2500.

The exact amount of fees is set in accordance with the resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and may change.

Services of the migration service

The State Migration Service (SMS) or Administrative Service Centers (ASCs) provide services for processing documents. Cost:

● Temporary residence permit - from 900 UAH.

● Issuance of a residence permit - from UAH 1200.

If you apply through the State Health Insurance Fund, you may also need to pay for forms and photographs.

Medical insurance

Health insurance is a prerequisite for obtaining a residence permit. The cost of an insurance policy depends on the validity period, company, and coverage and can range from UAH 2,000 to UAH 30,000 per year.

On the Visit Ukraine portal, you can take out health insurance from a reliable agent, which, in addition to medical expenses, covers passive and active military risks. More information about this type of insurance can be found here.

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How much will the additional costs cost?

Notary services and translation of documents

In order to submit documents, foreigners often need to translate them into Ukrainian and notarize them. Approximate cost:

● Passport translation and notarization - UAH 500 - 1000.

● Translation of other documents (birth, marriage, diplomas, etc.) - from UAH 300 per page.

Registration of the place of residence

After obtaining a residence permit, a foreigner is obliged to register his/her place of residence. Costs:

● Administrative fee - UAH 200 - 600.

● Services of a landlord or agency (if registration is done through a lease agreement) - from UAH 1000.

If a foreigner does not speak Ukrainian or is not familiar with bureaucratic procedures, he or she may need the assistance of a lawyer. The cost of services varies depending on the complexity of the case:

● Consultation - from 1000 UAH.

● Full support of registration (collection of documents, filing an application, registration) - from UAH 10,000 to 30,000.

Thus, the cost of obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine depends on its type, urgency and additional services. The minimum costs can be from UAH 3,500 for a permanent residence permit and from UAH 7,000 for a business permit, but if you take into account insurance, notary services and legal support, the total amount can be much higher.

To avoid unnecessary expenses, it is worth checking the requirements of the State Migration Service in advance, preparing all the necessary documents and, if necessary, contacting an experienced lawyer. Visit Ukraine specialists will help you with advice and full support for obtaining a residence permit, which will greatly simplify the process and save you time and money.

Seek professional help to get a residence permit in Ukraine quickly, easily and without problems!

We remind you! Obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine is a complex process that requires legal knowledge. Read our previous article to find out what are the benefits and risks of doing it yourself and when you should contact a migration lawyer.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

We recommend purchasing it for a safe and comfortable trip to Ukraine: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance – insurance covering military risks for entry and travel in Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Car Insurance – car insurance with extended coverage in Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Legal Advice – comprehensive legal support on entry to Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Tickets – bus and train tickets to/from Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Tours – the largest online database of tours to Ukraine for every taste;

Visit Ukraine Hotels – hotels for a comfortable stay in Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Merch – patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

© 2018-2025, Visit Ukraine. Use, copying or reprinting of materials on this site is permitted only with a link (hyperlink for online publications) to Visit Ukraine.

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gestellte Fragen
Welche Dokumente sind erforderlich, um eine befristete Aufenthaltserlaubnis in der Ukraine zu erhalten?
Um eine befristete Aufenthaltserlaubnis zu erhalten, muss ein Ausländer oder Staatenloser Folgendes vorlegen: einen gültigen Reisepass mit einem Visum vom Typ D (sofern gesetzlich nichts anderes vorgesehen ist), eine ordnungsgemäß beglaubigte Übersetzung der Passseite mit den persönlichen Daten ins Ukrainische, ein Dokument, das die Zahlung der Verwaltungsgebühr bestätigt, oder ein Dokument, das von der Zahlung der Gebühr befreit, Dokumente, die die Gründe für die Erteilung einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis bestätigen (z. B. eine Arbeitserlaubnis, ein Studiennachweis usw.). Die genaue Liste der Dokumente kann je nach den spezifischen Umständen variieren.
Benötige ich eine Krankenversicherung, um eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis in der Ukraine zu erhalten?
Welche zusätzlichen Kosten können bei der Beantragung einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis anfallen?

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