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Documents Starting from April 1, issuing a passport will cost more: new price

Starting from April 1, issuing a passport will cost more: new price

The State Migration Service of Ukraine has announced an increase in the cost of a passport starting in April 2024. Find out what the price of a biometric passport is now and who can get a document at the old price

01 Apr. 2024

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Travel Canyons, waterfalls and other little-known places: where to go in Ukraine in spring?

Canyons, waterfalls and other little-known places: where to go in Ukraine in spring?

This year the spring pleases Ukrainians with warm weather, so you should put aside your business and enjoy a long-awaited holiday. Since Ukraine is rich in nature and architecture, you won't have to travel far. Find out what interesting and little-known places are worth visiting in the near future

31 Mär. 2024

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Für Flüchtlinge Problems with the Employment of Ukrainians in Switzerland: what changes do the authorities propose after two years of protection?

Problems with the Employment of Ukrainians in Switzerland: what changes do the authorities propose after two years of protection?

After two years of protection, Ukrainians in Switzerland can expect different prospects. First of all, the procedures for integration into the labor market will be simplified. Learn more about the changes to expect and what will contribute to more effective support and adaptation of Ukrainian citizens in Switzerland

31 Mär. 2024

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Popular How much do judges and ministers earn in Ukraine? The Ministry of Finance has published a dashboard of salaries in state bodies

How much do judges and ministers earn in Ukraine? The Ministry of Finance has published a dashboard of salaries in state bodies

The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine has developed an analytical tool (dashboard) on salaries and the number of employees in state bodies. Find out how much civil servants will earn and what else the Ministry of Finance proposes to ensure the efficient use of state budget funds

31 Mär. 2024

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Transport Connecting four capitals: a new night train between Brussels and Prague has been launched in Europe

Connecting four capitals: a new night train between Brussels and Prague has been launched in Europe

A new night train has started operating in Europe and connected four capitals, opening up additional travel opportunities. The route from Brussels to Prague passes through a number of important cities and cultural centers. Find out more about the fare and other details

31 Mär. 2024

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Transport How to find and pick up an evacuated car from the police parking area in Kyiv: an algorithm of actions

How to find and pick up an evacuated car from the police parking area in Kyiv: an algorithm of actions

Despite the fact that parking at Kyivtransparkservis parking lots is currently free of charge, an improperly parked car may be taken to the impound lot. Find out what to do if your car was evacuated in Kyiv

31 Mär. 2024

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Popular Netherlands: rules of entry and residence in 2024. What does a Ukrainian need to know?

Netherlands: rules of entry and residence in 2024. What does a Ukrainian need to know?

The Netherlands hosted thousands of Ukrainian families seeking shelter after the outbreak of full-scale war in Ukraine. Now this country also accepts refugees, but the rules for admission and residence have changed in two years. Find out about the latest information for moving to the Netherlands

31 Mär. 2024

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Krieg It will be possible to submit an application for compensation to the International Register of Losses through Diia: what is known

It will be possible to submit an application for compensation to the International Register of Losses through Diia: what is known

Ukrainians will be able to file a report on damaged or destroyed apartments, houses, etc. in the state app Diia. After that, it will be possible to submit applications to the Register of Damages Caused by the Aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine. Learn more when the new service becomes available

30 Mär. 2024

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