2 min

Transport Driving rules, toll roads (vignette) and required documents in Austria: everything you need to know

Driving rules, toll roads (vignette) and required documents in Austria: everything you need to know

To drive freely on Austrian toll roads, drivers are required to purchase a special vignette. The rules apply to both motorcycles and cars. Find out more about how and where to buy a vignette, as well as what else you need to drive your car legally

30 Mär. 2024

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2 min

Popular The happiest countries in the world in 2024: World Happiness Report rating

The happiest countries in the world in 2024: World Happiness Report rating

The World Happiness Report 2024 analyzed the level of happiness in different countries of the world. This report not only reflects the general situation, but also becomes an important tool for understanding trends in the development of society. Find out more about the top ten countries

30 Mär. 2024

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2 min

Travel The most common myths about budget travelling

The most common myths about budget travelling

There is a common stereotype among people that budget travelling abroad is boring and uncomfortable. However, this opinion is deceptive and we will try to prove it. Find out what myths about budget holidays have become real "horror stories" for tourists

30 Mär. 2024

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2 min

Travel Additional tourist tax will be introduced in several cities in Portugal: details

Additional tourist tax will be introduced in several cities in Portugal: details

Several popular tourist locations in Portugal have introduced a new tourist tax for overnight stays. Find out in which municipalities the updated rules apply and how much you will have to pay per night

30 Mär. 2024

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1 min

Documents How to make a power of attorney while abroad in 2024?

How to make a power of attorney while abroad in 2024?

Ukrainians who are currently living abroad can issue a power of attorney for their loved ones to allow them to manage their property in Ukraine. Learn more about how to draw up a document and what you need to do

30 Mär. 2024

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1 min

Popular Will it become more difficult to get a passport? Ukraine wants to introduce new rules for men abroad

Will it become more difficult to get a passport? Ukraine wants to introduce new rules for men abroad

The Committee on National Security of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, while considering the draft law on mobilisation, supported the clause on changing the rules for men to obtain passports abroad. Find out what is being proposed there and what other restrictions lawmakers are considering for Ukrainians

29 Mär. 2024

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1 min

Transport From Kyiv to the airport: Ukraine will launch a train to one of the neighboring countries

From Kyiv to the airport: Ukraine will launch a train to one of the neighboring countries

A new international railroad route is expected to connect Kyiv and Košice soon, allowing Ukrainians to arrive directly to the airport. This is a significant step in strengthening transport ties between Ukraine and Slovakia and will contribute to the development of tourism and other types of international cooperation. Learn more about the direct train

29 Mär. 2024

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1 min

Popular Leaving Ukraine in 2024: what are the reasons why women may be refused to cross the border?

Leaving Ukraine in 2024: what are the reasons why women may be refused to cross the border?

Under martial law, Ukrainian women can safely travel abroad. However, in some cases they may be refused to do so. Find out what are the most common reasons for refusal to travel abroad for Ukrainian women

29 Mär. 2024

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