2 min

Finance How to get cashback for buying Ukrainian goods and support domestic production?

How to get cashback for buying Ukrainian goods and support domestic production?

Soon, it will be quite easy to get cashback for purchasing and supporting Ukrainian products. To do this, you need to make a purchase of goods labeled "Made in Ukraine". Find out more about the new initiative and when the program will be launched

19 Mär. 2024

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3 min

Documents Step-by-step instructions on how to obtain an ikamet in Turkey in 2024: the experience of Ukrainians

Step-by-step instructions on how to obtain an ikamet in Turkey in 2024: the experience of Ukrainians

The vast majority of Ukrainians living in Turkey do not have refugee status and obtain a residence permit (ikamet) in the standard way for foreigners. Here is a look at the cost, experience and difficulties of obtaining an ikamet by Ukrainians in 2024

19 Mär. 2024

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2 min

Travel The war in Ukraine and the Hamas attack on Israel have affected the fears of tourists around the world. What are they afraid of in 2024?

The war in Ukraine and the Hamas attack on Israel have affected the fears of tourists around the world. What are they afraid of in 2024?

A recent Global Rescue's survey has shown that the top fears of tourists have changed a lot since 2023. Find out what travelers are afraid of when traveling the world, what changes in their outlook have taken place over the past year, and what they rely on most when traveling abroad

19 Mär. 2024

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge There will be only one center for newly arrived Ukrainians in the Czech Republic: where to get housing

There will be only one center for newly arrived Ukrainians in the Czech Republic: where to get housing

From the beginning of April, there will be only one center for newly arrived Ukrainian refugees seeking temporary asylum in the Czech Republic. This is an important change that affects many people seeking protection and safety in a new country. Find out more about where Ukrainians will be able to stay and get the support they need

18 Mär. 2024

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Veranstaltungen Lent 2024 has begun: how long it will last, what not to eat and other prohibitions

Lent 2024 has begun: how long it will last, what not to eat and other prohibitions

Easter is one of the most important holidays for all believing Christians. But no less important is the period before the holiday, which prepares people for the Resurrection of Christ. Find out why Lent is necessary and what rules should be observed

18 Mär. 2024

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1 min

Transport Chop-Prague train: ticket sales for the new train from Regiojet are open

Chop-Prague train: ticket sales for the new train from Regiojet are open

Now you can buy tickets for a new night train from Regiojet, which will run from Chop to Prague. Find out more about the schedule and ticket prices

18 Mär. 2024

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Popular From a dove to a hawk: why Macron abruptly changed his position on putin and the war in Ukraine

From a dove to a hawk: why Macron abruptly changed his position on putin and the war in Ukraine

French President Emmanuel Macron has recently spoken sharply about the war in Ukraine. While earlier he spoke more loyally about putin, now he is ready to send his troops to Ukraine. Find out what the change in his rhetoric may be related to and what intra-European competition has to do with it

18 Mär. 2024

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1 min

Der Weg zum Sieg From now on, the British can donated cars to Ukraine instead of being scrapped under Ulez

From now on, the British can donated cars to Ukraine instead of being scrapped under Ulez

Cars subject to London's Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) rules can be donated to Ukraine instead of being scrapped. Find out how to donate a car for the humanitarian and medical needs of Ukrainians in exchange for a grant payment

18 Mär. 2024

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