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Transport From April 1, cars with Ukrainian license plates will be fined in Germany: what you should know (updated)

From April 1, cars with Ukrainian license plates will be fined in Germany: what you should know (updated)

Since the beginning of April, the German authorities have been imposing fines on cars with Ukrainian registration in the country. Learn more about the requirements for obtaining local registration and license plates for your car in Germany

14 Mär. 2024

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Popular European Parliament passes the world's first AI law: how will it affect society?

European Parliament passes the world's first AI law: how will it affect society?

The EU has made a historic decision by adopting a law on artificial intelligence. This is a significant step towards regulating the technologies of the future and ensuring the safety and protection of citizens' rights. Find out more about the mandatory rules and principles covered by the document's rules

14 Mär. 2024

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Travel Where to go for spring holidays: Ukraine launches a number of additional trains

Where to go for spring holidays: Ukraine launches a number of additional trains

School holidays begin in Ukraine at the end of March, so it is a good time to think about where to go on holiday with your family. Due to the long weekend for schoolchildren in Ukraine, additional railway services are launched. Find out on which destinations the trains will be added and where you should go with your children

14 Mär. 2024

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Regeln für die Einreise Travel to Ukraine from France in 2024: how to get there and entry rules

Travel to Ukraine from France in 2024: how to get there and entry rules

Ukraine's land borders are open, so we have prepared updated rules and convenient routes for entering Ukraine from France in 2024. Find out more about the requirements and useful tips

14 Mär. 2024

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Für Flüchtlinge In which EU countries you can get re-protection in 2024: conditions and required documents

In which EU countries you can get re-protection in 2024: conditions and required documents

Migration trends among Ukrainians, in particular with the aim of changing the country of temporary protection, are increasing, as the conditions of stay and financial assistance are changing. Find out which countries will grant repeated temporary protection in 2024 and what you need to move

14 Mär. 2024

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Veranstaltungen Ukraine celebrates Volunteer Day: history and significance of the holiday

Ukraine celebrates Volunteer Day: history and significance of the holiday

Every year, on March 14, Ukraine honors the brave men and women who stood up to defend the country at the call of their hearts. Find out more about volunteer formations in Ukraine, their contribution to the struggle for freedom and independence, and the symbolic meaning of this date

14 Mär. 2024

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Der Weg zum Sieg The reserve of volunteers has been exhausted: will Ukraine be able to mobilise half a million people into the army?

The reserve of volunteers has been exhausted: will Ukraine be able to mobilise half a million people into the army?

The draft law on mobilisation, which is being considered by the Verkhovna Rada, should improve the conscription of Ukrainian men into the army, as Ukraine has run out of volunteers and now it is necessary to recruit citizens who have not been sent to the frontline so far. Find out how many men Ukraine can mobilise and why it is needed

13 Mär. 2024

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1 min

Der Weg zum Sieg When flights may resume in Ukraine: the conditions are named

When flights may resume in Ukraine: the conditions are named

The issue of resuming flights in Ukraine is becoming increasingly relevant, and the requirements for this process are determined by several key factors. One of them is an effective air defense system that will ensure flight safety. Find out more about when flights will be resumed

13 Mär. 2024

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