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Popular Electronic registry Oberig is already used at the border to identify those who are trying to exit illegally: details

Electronic registry Oberig is already used at the border to identify those who are trying to exit illegally: details

Since mid-February, the State Border Guard Service has started using the Oberih registry to strengthen its efforts to combat illegal travel abroad. Find out more about how border guards detect forgeries in the documents of the TCR and SS and how many illegal border crossing attempts have been recorded

12 Mär. 2024

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Documents Diia can be used as a digital wallet in EU countries: what is known

Diia can be used as a digital wallet in EU countries: what is known

The European Parliament has approved the launch of a digital wallet, which brings about positive changes for Ukraine. Find out what services will be available to Diia app users in Europe and when it will be possible

12 Mär. 2024

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Popular Oscar winners 2024: who took the statuettes and what film impressed Ukraine

Oscar winners 2024: who took the statuettes and what film impressed Ukraine

The film "20 Days in Mariupol" by Ukrainian director Mstyslav Chernov won the best documentary in 2024 and received an Academy Award. This is the first such award in the history of Ukrainian cinema. Find out what makes this film unique and who took the other statuettes

11 Mär. 2024

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Popular The Pope calls on Ukraine to negotiate under a white flag: Zelensky was outraged by the pontiff's words

The Pope calls on Ukraine to negotiate under a white flag: Zelensky was outraged by the pontiff's words

Pope Francis has once again made a scandalous statement about the negotiations between Ukraine and russia. The pontiff's words even hinted at Ukraine's defeat in the war. Find out why the Pope caused such a negative reaction from the Ukrainian side

11 Mär. 2024

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Popular Which countries Ukrainian refugees are leaving en masse: latest Eurostat data

Which countries Ukrainian refugees are leaving en masse: latest Eurostat data

In recent months, Ukrainians have been leaving the countries where they have found refuge in large numbers. In particular, there has been a noticeable outflow even from Poland, where the number of Ukrainians with temporary protection has significantly decreased. Learn more about which countries refugees from Ukraine are actively leaving

11 Mär. 2024

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Travel Weekend in Transcarpathia: what awaits tourists in Mukachevo?

Weekend in Transcarpathia: what awaits tourists in Mukachevo?

Mukachevo is a lively town located in one of the green lowlands of the Zakarpattia region. It attracts tourists with its unique atmosphere, unforgettable natural beauty, and numerous historical monuments. Find out more about the places worth visiting and how to spend your time in the city

11 Mär. 2024

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Health How many people in Ukraine and the world are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic: incidence statistics

How many people in Ukraine and the world are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic: incidence statistics

On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared the COVID-19 pandemic, and although the vast majority of countries have lifted restrictive measures today, people around the world continue to be affected by the coronavirus. Learn more about the statistics of morbidity and mortality from Covid-19 as of March 2024

11 Mär. 2024

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Transport Am 12. und 13. März streiken die Lufthansa-Mitarbeiter in Frankfurt und München erneut: Details

Am 12. und 13. März streiken die Lufthansa-Mitarbeiter in Frankfurt und München erneut: Details

Die Flugbegleiter der größten deutschen Fluggesellschaft haben einen neuen zweitägigen Streik geplant. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass der Protest etwa 100 Tausend Passagiere betreffen wird. Finden Sie heraus, welche Flüge gestrichen werden und wann die Fluggesellschaft die Flüge wieder aufnehmen wird

11 Mär. 2024

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