2 min

Popular Record profits of Polish airlines became possible thanks to Ukrainians: details

Record profits of Polish airlines became possible thanks to Ukrainians: details

In 2023, 10 million passengers and 1 billion in revenue would not have been possible without Ukrainians, as they account for a significant share of passenger traffic at Polish airports. Find out more about how Ukrainian citizens helped Polish carriers and why the airline development strategy takes into account the interests of Ukraine

02 Mär. 2024

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge Where did most refugees return to Ukraine from?

Where did most refugees return to Ukraine from?

Most of the Ukrainian refugees who decided to return home came from countries directly bordering Ukraine. In particular, a significant number of returns were recorded from Poland, where almost half of the Ukrainians who emigrated there decided to return home. Find out more about other countries from which refugees who left southern Ukraine are leaving and returning

02 Mär. 2024

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2 min

Documents Getting a driver's license in Poland: how to pass the exam in Ukrainian?

Getting a driver's license in Poland: how to pass the exam in Ukrainian?

From now on, it is possible to take the theoretical test for a driver's license in Ukrainian in Poland. At the same time, the practical exam is offered with an interpreter. Find out what are the conditions for obtaining a driver's license and the cost in 2024

02 Mär. 2024

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1 min

Travel Wizz Air cancels more than 60 flights in Europe: which routes will be cancelled

Wizz Air cancels more than 60 flights in Europe: which routes will be cancelled

Wizz Air has experienced a maintenance issue with the engine to some of its aircraft, leading to dozens of flights being cut across Europe. Find out exactly what the problem was and in which countries the low-cost carrier cancelled a number of routes

02 Mär. 2024

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1 min

Popular Changes to the law on mobilisation: what restrictions are to be introduced for those who evade mobilisation

Changes to the law on mobilisation: what restrictions are to be introduced for those who evade mobilisation

Ukrainian MPs have been making amendments to the new draft law on mobilisation that came from the government for several weeks now. In particular, parliament is discussing new restrictive measures for those who evade mobilisation. Find out which measures have already been excluded from the draft law, and what punishment may be introduced

01 Mär. 2024

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1 min

Transport When will traffic on the blue line of the Kyiv metro resume?

When will traffic on the blue line of the Kyiv metro resume?

The repair work on the section between Lybidska and Demiivska stations is still ongoing. Recently, there have been rumors online that the completion of the work may be delayed until the fall, but the city authorities deny these rumors. Find out more about when the blue line of the Kyiv metro will resume

01 Mär. 2024

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge The Netherlands wants to oblige Ukrainian refugees to pay for housing: what is known

The Netherlands wants to oblige Ukrainian refugees to pay for housing: what is known

An initiative has emerged in the Netherlands that could change the living conditions of Ukrainians. Members of parliament are calling for stricter rules governing the financial obligations of employed refugees. Learn more about the changes

01 Mär. 2024

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2 min

Krieg What did Ukraine use to shoot down 13 russian aircraft in two weeks and how many of them did the enemy have left?

What did Ukraine use to shoot down 13 russian aircraft in two weeks and how many of them did the enemy have left?

The russian army has recently lost a significant number of combat aircraft to the war against Ukraine. Find out by what means it may have been hit

01 Mär. 2024

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