1 min

Popular The best postage stamp of 2023 has been revealed

The best postage stamp of 2023 has been revealed

In January 2024, Ukrposhta solemnly announced the results of the voting for the best postage stamp of 2023. Find out more about which stamp was chosen as the winner

28 Jan. 2024

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2 min

Transport Im Jahr 2024 erhöht Deutschland die Bußgelder für Autofahrer: Wie hoch sind die Beträge?

Im Jahr 2024 erhöht Deutschland die Bußgelder für Autofahrer: Wie hoch sind die Beträge?

Ab 2024 werden in Deutschland die Bußgelder für Verkehrsverstöße erhöht, in manchen Fällen droht sogar ein Fahrverbot. Erfahren Sie, wie teuer Verkehrsverstöße in Deutschland in diesem Jahr werden und wie sich der Bußgeldkatalog verändert hat

28 Jan. 2024

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2 min

Culture Top interesting films that recreate the history of Ukraine

Top interesting films that recreate the history of Ukraine

Historical films are defined by their ability to capture important aspects of history through the lens of individual life stories. Learn more about the selection of films that reveal aspects of Ukraine's cultural and historical richness through the lens of the camera and the talent of the filmmakers

28 Jan. 2024

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2 min

Krieg Ukraine officially allows taking pets to shelters: under what conditions?

Ukraine officially allows taking pets to shelters: under what conditions?

The updated order, which lifts the ban on taking pets to shelters during air raid alerts, has already been entered into the Unified Register of State Regulations. Find out under what conditions pets can stay in bomb shelters

28 Jan. 2024

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1 min

Krieg Mobilization Abroad: Will the Czech Republic Bring Men Subject to Military Service Back Home?

Mobilization Abroad: Will the Czech Republic Bring Men Subject to Military Service Back Home?

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the Czech Republic has provided shelter to thousands of Ukrainians. Among them are men of military age. Find out more about whether the Czech government plans to return Ukrainians liable for military service to their homeland

27 Jan. 2024

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2 min

Der Weg zum Sieg Where do Ukrainians want to serve: top positions in the Armed Forces with the highest number of reviews

Where do Ukrainians want to serve: top positions in the Armed Forces with the highest number of reviews

The defense forces need specialists of various professions, including civilians. Find out which positions in the army Ukrainians apply for most often and which positions in the Armed Forces do not require combat experience

27 Jan. 2024

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1 min

Travel The best cities for expats in 2024: the list

The best cities for expats in 2024: the list

Today's popular cities reflect the global trend of seeking better opportunities and a better quality of life in different parts of the world. Find out more about the best cities for expats in 2024

27 Jan. 2024

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2 min

Documents Delivery of a driver's license abroad: a list of countries where you can order a license

Delivery of a driver's license abroad: a list of countries where you can order a license

Delivery of a driver's license from Ukraine is now available to 17 countries. Find out to which countries you can order a license through the electronic cabinet and what you need to do

27 Jan. 2024

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