2 min

Documents Draft Law on Multiple Citizenship Submitted to the Verkhovna Rada: What It Provides for and What Are Its Advantages and Disadvantages

Draft Law on Multiple Citizenship Submitted to the Verkhovna Rada: What It Provides for and What Are Its Advantages and Disadvantages

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has submitted a draft law on multiple citizenship to the Verkhovna Rada. In particular, the document contains a number of innovations aimed at regulating the possibility of obtaining Ukrainian citizenship by foreigners. Read everything you need to know in our article

23 Jan. 2024

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1 min

Popular The Way Home by United for Ukraine: an initiative for Ukrainians returning home

The Way Home by United for Ukraine: an initiative for Ukrainians returning home

United for Ukraine is launching the Way Home initiative for Ukrainians who voluntarily decide to return home. Find out more about the project, which aims to help and support citizens who are returning home

23 Jan. 2024

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Transport Am 24. Januar wird der Verkehr in Polen und Deutschland zum Erliegen kommen: Was wissen wir über Massenstreiks?

Am 24. Januar wird der Verkehr in Polen und Deutschland zum Erliegen kommen: Was wissen wir über Massenstreiks?

In den EU-Ländern wird es zu Massenstreiks im Straßen- und Schienenverkehr kommen. Finden Sie heraus, wo der Verkehr blockiert sein wird und wie lange die Streiks in Polen und Deutschland dauern werden

23 Jan. 2024

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2 min

Travel The UK has eased travel advisories to Ukraine: what has changed?

The UK has eased travel advisories to Ukraine: what has changed?

The UK Foreign Office has officially authorized visits to several regions of Ukraine. Find out which regions and whether it is safe to travel to Ukraine now

23 Jan. 2024

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BusinessUA Resonance case of Mazepa: why business sided with the defendant and what now scares entrepreneurs

Resonance case of Mazepa: why business sided with the defendant and what now scares entrepreneurs

Ukrainian business has reacted strongly to the detention of businessman Ihor Mazepa and calls it a "war between business and law enforcers". Read more about why the case is so high-profile and what entrepreneurs are ready to do to be heard "from above"

22 Jan. 2024

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Popular Canada is ready to accept refugees from Ukraine: how many Ukrainians can enter the country

Canada is ready to accept refugees from Ukraine: how many Ukrainians can enter the country

The number of Ukrainian refugees to Canada is expected to increase significantly in the near future. Find out more about how many Ukrainians the country expects to receive

22 Jan. 2024

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2 min

Für Flüchtlinge Temporary protection was not extended: will Ukrainian refugees leave Poland in March?

Temporary protection was not extended: will Ukrainian refugees leave Poland in March?

The issue of Ukrainians' stay in Poland remains relevant, as the Polish government is considering amending a special law that would extend the period of legal stay. Find out more about how long Ukrainians can stay in the country

22 Jan. 2024

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3 min

Krieg What rights of citizens cannot be restricted during martial law?

What rights of citizens cannot be restricted during martial law?

The martial law imposed on the territory of Ukraine entails a number of restrictions and prohibitions for Ukrainian citizens and foreign visitors. Find out which rights cannot be restricted during martial law according to the Constitution of Ukraine

22 Jan. 2024

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