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Travel Ukraine is beautiful in the autumn: TOP 3 cities that tourists should visit this autumn

Ukraine is beautiful in the autumn: TOP 3 cities that tourists should visit this autumn

When we hear the word ‘autumn’, we immediately think of golden leaves, red and yellow rains in parks, Indian summer, light coolness in the morning and light rain. This creates an unrivalled atmosphere for travelling. Ukrainian cities can satisfy the most demanding needs - festivals for different tastes, extraordinary landscapes, ethnic and foreign holidays in cities, towns and villages. In this article, you will find the top 3 cities worth visiting in Ukraine in this autumn.

26 Aug. 2024

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Für Flüchtlinge Deutschland behält das Recht auf Spätaussiedlerstatus für ukrainische Flüchtlinge: Was das bedeutet

Deutschland behält das Recht auf Spätaussiedlerstatus für ukrainische Flüchtlinge: Was das bedeutet

Ukrainische Flüchtlinge in Deutschland haben weiterhin das Recht auf einen Spätaussiedlerstatus, der eine stabile rechtliche Grundlage für einen langfristigen Aufenthalt in Deutschland bietet. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie diesen Status erlangen können und welche Möglichkeiten er Ihnen für die Integration und den Aufbau eines Lebens in Deutschland eröffnet

26 Aug. 2024

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Cost of living Buying real estate in Turkey: Ukrainians are in the top three

Buying real estate in Turkey: Ukrainians are in the top three

Despite the difficult situation in Ukraine, Ukrainians have not only not lost interest in foreign real estate, but are also actively investing in housing in Turkey. Find out more about the growing demand among foreigners

25 Aug. 2024

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1 min

Transport Ukraine has opened a state portal for international bus and coach transport: how it is useful

Ukraine has opened a state portal for international bus and coach transport: how it is useful

Bus trips can now be tracked through a government portal. Find out how to do this and what information will be available there

25 Aug. 2024

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Documents How to get a driving licence for IDPs: instructions for IDPs

How to get a driving licence for IDPs: instructions for IDPs

Internally displaced persons in Ukraine can obtain a driver's licence even if they do not have an official place of registration. Find out more about the procedure for obtaining a driving licence for IDPs and what documents are required

25 Aug. 2024

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Finance Ukrainians who have sheltered IDPs will stop receiving payments in September: what is the reason?

Ukrainians who have sheltered IDPs will stop receiving payments in September: what is the reason?

Starting from September 2024, payments under the Shelter program for Ukrainians who provide housing to IDPs will no longer be provided. Find out how this will affect homeowners and IDPs, and what are the prospects for the program in 2025

25 Aug. 2024

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Finance Mortgage in Ukraine during the war: Cabinet of Ministers changed the terms of the eOselia programme

Mortgage in Ukraine during the war: Cabinet of Ministers changed the terms of the eOselia programme

Since the beginning of the war, the state loan programme ‘eOselia’ has become popular among Ukrainians. However, now some changes have been made there. Find out for whom and what exactly has changed in the programme

25 Aug. 2024

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Travel A weekend trip by car: TOP 3 tourist attractions that you can't miss on the way from Kyiv to Lviv

A weekend trip by car: TOP 3 tourist attractions that you can't miss on the way from Kyiv to Lviv

Dozens of Ukrainians drive the Kyiv-Lviv route every day, but not everyone knows the interesting locations they can visit during their trip. Find out the top places to visit for those travelling between these cities by car

25 Aug. 2024

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