1 min

Transport The Czech Republic wants to introduce a register of cars with Ukrainian license plates: what changes await drivers

The Czech Republic wants to introduce a register of cars with Ukrainian license plates: what changes await drivers

The Czech Republic plans to launch a register of cars with Ukrainian license plates this year. Find out more about why it is needed and what will be included in it

04 Apr. 2023

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2 min

Travel Spring Carpathians: climbing Petros and Hoverla, blooming crocuses and other tours in April 2023

Spring Carpathians: climbing Petros and Hoverla, blooming crocuses and other tours in April 2023

Spring is the time for traveling. This wonderful time of the year will give you enchanting landscapes and floral views. Find out more about where you can go on a long-awaited vacation this month

03 Apr. 2023

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2 min

Health E-prescription and urgent online doctor's consultation: how the Helsi service works for Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad

E-prescription and urgent online doctor's consultation: how the Helsi service works for Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad

Healthcare provider Helsi has launched an urgent online consultation service where patients can receive an electronic prescription and referral. Learn more about how it works and how to make an appointment

03 Apr. 2023

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1 min

Ausbildung Free online English courses from Prometheus: how to get started

Free online English courses from Prometheus: how to get started

Are you planning to start or improve your English? It's easy! Find out more about free online English courses for Ukrainians around the world on the Prometheus platform for completely different levels

03 Apr. 2023

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge New conditions of stay in the Czech Republic for Ukrainians: what will change from April 1

New conditions of stay in the Czech Republic for Ukrainians: what will change from April 1

The Czech government has made changes to the residence of Ukrainian citizens on its territory. In particular, starting from April 1, free accommodation and insurance will be limited. Learn more about the changes

02 Apr. 2023

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1 min

Popular The concept of a Banking Day has been canceled: from now on, interbank payments in Ukraine will be made instantly

The concept of a Banking Day has been canceled: from now on, interbank payments in Ukraine will be made instantly

The NBU has launched the fourth version of its Electronic Payment System (EPS). It is now based on the international standard ISO 20022. Find out more about what this means

02 Apr. 2023

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1 min

Finance Financial assistance for Ukrainians in Cyprus: how to get 340 euros

Financial assistance for Ukrainians in Cyprus: how to get 340 euros

Refugees from Ukraine who temporarily reside in Cyprus are entitled to financial assistance. Find out more about who can apply for the funds and what is required

02 Apr. 2023

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1 min

Popular From USA to Ukraine: how to get to Ukraine by a new flight New York - Rzeszow

From USA to Ukraine: how to get to Ukraine by a new flight New York - Rzeszow

Polish airline LOT has launched a direct flight from New York for Americans wishing to visit Ukraine. Find out more details, flight schedule and ticket prices

01 Apr. 2023

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