2 min

Documents How to exchange a foreign licence for a Ukrainian one: instructions for Ukrainian and foreign drivers

How to exchange a foreign licence for a Ukrainian one: instructions for Ukrainian and foreign drivers

Drivers who have obtained their licence abroad but have now returned or moved to Ukraine need to exchange their foreign driving licence for a state one. Find out more about how to exchange a document, where to apply and whether you need to take exams

31 Jul. 2024

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1 min

Transport Ukraine is expanding its connections with the EU: when will a new border crossing point with Poland and a bridge to Moldova open?

Ukraine is expanding its connections with the EU: when will a new border crossing point with Poland and a bridge to Moldova open?

Ukraine is expanding its connections with the EU and plans to create a new transport corridor between Kyiv and Chisinau, as well as increase the capacity of its border with Poland. Read more about the construction of the bridge across the Dniester and the new border crossing point

31 Jul. 2024

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2 min

Popular What will change for Ukrainians from August 1: payments, mobilization, tariffs, subsidies and salaries for the military

What will change for Ukrainians from August 1: payments, mobilization, tariffs, subsidies and salaries for the military

In August, some Ukrainians will receive state financial assistance in the amount of UAH 450 to 3100, and the update of the data of persons liable for military service will continue in the Reserve+ and in the CMC. Find out more about changes in mobilization, tariffs, payments, subsidies and salaries for the military starting August 1

31 Jul. 2024

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2 min

Für Flüchtlinge For Ukrainians in Poland: how not to lose PESEL UKR?

For Ukrainians in Poland: how not to lose PESEL UKR?

More and more Ukrainians are faced with the fact that the special status of forced migrants in Poland – PESEL UKR – is being cancelled. What is the reason and how not to lose this status – read in the material

31 Jul. 2024

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1 min

Krieg Ukraine will have almost no power outages for the next three months: Ukrenergo outlines conditions

Ukraine will have almost no power outages for the next three months: Ukrenergo outlines conditions

Ukraine's power system is stabilizing, with the prospect of avoiding blackouts in the next three months. Find out about new opportunities and restoration of generating capacities that will allow you to avoid power outages

31 Jul. 2024

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3 min

Insurance Insurance in Ukraine and abroad: when the existence of a policy is mandatory, and when it is possible to refuse its registration?

Insurance in Ukraine and abroad: when the existence of a policy is mandatory, and when it is possible to refuse its registration?

Depending on the circumstances, insurance is divided into mandatory and voluntary. Find out when you can make decisions on your own about the possible registration of the policy, and when its absence may threaten with a fine or additional problems

31 Jul. 2024

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2 min

Insurance Motor third party liability vs Mini hull insurance: differences in compensation in case of an accident

Motor third party liability vs Mini hull insurance: differences in compensation in case of an accident

Motor Third Party Liability Insurance (MTPL) and Mini Hull Insurance are Ukrainian insurance policies that cover risks on the roads. Find out more about the difference between the insurances and the differences in compensation in the event of a road traffic accident

30 Jul. 2024

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1 min

Ausbildung Ukraine will launch a new schooling strategy from 1 September: what you need to know about it

Ukraine will launch a new schooling strategy from 1 September: what you need to know about it

From the upcoming school year, Ukrainian schoolchildren will study according to a new strategy that the government has developed to bring students back to offline learning. Find out what the strategy is and how it will affect children, including those studying abroad

30 Jul. 2024

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