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27 Sep. 2024


Happy Tourism Day, Ukraine! New formats and opportunities for Ukrainian tourism during the war

Tourists in Ukraine
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Happy Tourism Day, Ukraine! New formats and opportunities for Ukrainian tourism during the war

The war has changed many aspects of life in Ukraine, but it has not stopped the tourism industry. On the contrary, it has adapted, acquired new forms and meanings, turning travel to Ukraine not just into exciting voyages, but into real acts of solidarity and support. On the International Day of Tourism, learn more about tourism Ukraine and try to unlock its potential by 101%

Take care of reliable insurance for safe entry and stay in Ukraine
Take care of reliable insurance for safe entry and stay in Ukraine

At a time when the world is holding its breath because of the war in Ukraine, our people are opening their hearts to those who want to see the real Ukraine in a new, unique tourist perspective. After all, today tourism in Ukraine is not just an entertainment and recreation industry - it is a way to the very famous Ukrainian indomitability, a way to support the country in its most difficult moments, an opportunity to touch the history of the struggle of the Ukrainian people in real time. Let's talk about the most popular locations, new trends, and the role of foreigners in supporting Ukrainian tourism.

Domestic tourism: reboot in search of safety and new experiences

It may be hard to believe at times, but tourism in Ukraine gained new momentum during the war. We are talking about both foreigners, who have entered Ukraine since the beginning of 2024, and Ukrainians themselves, who used to prefer traveling abroad and are now discovering incredible parts of their own country. Due to limited opportunities for foreign travel and the desire to support the national economy, many Ukrainians have turned their attention to domestic tourist destinations right now, in the midst of Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Ukraine's already touristy regions have become even more attractive during the war and have shone with new colors in western Ukraine. LvivIvano-Frankivsk, and Zakarpattia - initially, these regions became a refuge for many internally displaced persons from eastern Ukraine, and their tourist appeal has since spread throughout Ukraine. Today, these western Ukrainian cities remain the key tourist centers of Ukraine, and their development continues on a daily basis.

The cities of Lviv and Zakarpattia regions are known not only for their cultural, architectural and religious heritage, but also for their enviable natural resources. The resorts in Bukovel and Slavske continue to operate, offering winter and summer activities such as hiking, cycling, horseback riding, and much more.

The Carpathians have always been a popular destination for outdoor activities, and in the current climate, the Carpathians remain a truly safe place in Ukraine where you can feel united with nature away from the war. The Ukrainian Carpathians remain an ideal tourist destination for hikers and cyclists, as well as for lovers of mountains and winter sports.

Odesa region. Although Odesa suffers from periodic shelling, the city continues to live. Tourists come here to visit beaches, cultural attractions, and enjoy local cuisine. It is important to note that tourism in Odesa and the region is growing thanks to cultural events supported by local communities and volunteer organizations.

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Small cities with big potential

One of the trends in recent years is the development of so-called slow tourism, when tourists choose small but cozy cities such as Mukachevo, Uzhhorod, Truskavets, Kolomyia, and others for their vacation. In such towns, there is always something to enjoy: architecture, nature, silence, and a measured rhythm of life.

Foreign tourists: interest and support through tourism

Both before and after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, foreigners visited Ukraine for tourism purposes, and in today's realities, these visits are often combined with volunteer activities or journalistic missions, which in itself spreads information about Ukraine to the whole world. An important factor for this development of tourism is the purposeful desire of foreigners to personally support Ukrainians in their struggle and to see with their own eyes how the country lives in these conditions.

Tourism in Ukraine has been developing during the war, and the number of foreigners visiting Ukrainian territory has increased and continues to grow compared to the initial stages of the full-scale invasion. Such visits by foreigners to Ukraine reveal Ukrainian tourism as a strategic industry with the potential to impact both the country's economy and the war. For example, as of 2024, a significant portion of foreign tourists come to Ukraine from Europe and the United States, regions that have historically and mentally supported Ukraine against Russian aggression.

Lviv is the first city to welcome foreign visitors due to its proximity to the Polish border. In addition to numerous classic tourist routes, the city of Lviv has also introduced new excursions that introduce guests to the city's history in the context of current events or reveal Lviv as one of the most tourist cities in Europe and the world.

Kyiv and Kyiv region - foreigners come to see the capital, which has actually become a symbol of Ukrainian resilience. After seeing the historical and cultural sights of Kyiv, many tourists go to the towns of Kyiv region destroyed by Russian shelling - Bacha, Irpin and others.

De-occupied cities: a new meaning of tourism

There are now some Ukrainian cities that, unfortunately, will remain attractive to tourists for a long time to come as de-occupied cities, hero cities, cities that have suffered devastating destruction but have survived and are already being rebuilt. Such cities and territories were liberated from Russian occupation, and now they have become new centers for so-called “reflective tourism,” where professional excursions are organized.

Irpin. Several parks have been restored here, and regular tours are already being organized for visitors who want to see the extent of the destruction and how the city is recovering.

Bucha. This city has become a symbol of the Ukrainian tragedy, but today it is actively rebuilding. Excursions are organized here to show foreign tourists how Ukrainians who have seen the horrors of war with their own eyes are now fighting for their future in their city.

Chernihiv region. Surprisingly, it was after the de-occupation of the Chernihiv region that new tourist routes were opened here, revealing the beauty of the local nature, now combined with the painful history of the present.

Kharkiv region. Active hostilities continue in the Kharkiv region even now, so tourism in this region is really dangerous. However, most of the towns and villages in the Kharkiv region that were occupied by Russia and liberated have already recovered from the war's consequences and are starting to live anew.

Foreign tourists in Ukraine also like to visit exhibitions of trophy military equipment, which has also become an integral part of tourist programs.

Donation tours of Ukraine. A new format of Ukrainian tourism from Visit Ukraine and partners

Donation tours are a new, special project in the Ukrainian tourism sector, launched by Visit Ukraine and its partners. We organize donation tours to Ukraine to help as many people as possible see the realities of war-torn Ukraine, to make tourists not only able but also willing to join in supporting Ukraine and feel involved in the side of good. In this way, we help not only Ukraine and Ukrainians in need, but also the tourists themselves. We help them feel like volunteers, patrons... Ukrainians. At least for a while.

Each donation tour in Ukraine is an individual performance of a tourist, which he chooses and creates with our help.

Remember. There are no two identical donation tours. Just as there are no two breakfast tourist locations in Ukraine. By the way, such trips also provide for a narrow-profile familiarization with the region, which is impossible on a regular tourist trip. These tours often include excursions to Ukrainian cities destroyed by Russia, and tourists are shown volunteer headquarters and shelters for IDPs. One example is volunteer tours in Irpin and Bucha, where participants not only observe the restoration of cities and communicate with local residents, but also help rebuild houses or organize humanitarian aid. They say it gives them an incomparable feeling.

The contribution of guests of Ukraine to rebuilding the country, supporting the army or humanitarian projects in this way is an opportunity to do something for Ukraine not in word but in deed.

Changes in Ukraine's tourism infrastructure

Answering the question of whether Ukrainian tourism has changed during the war, we come to the conclusion that Ukrainian tourism has indeed been divided into “before” and “during” the war, and these are realities that are accepted by tourism operators, local administrations, and businesses alike. Many hotels in western Ukraine have been repurposed as temporary shelters for IDPs, but this does not mean that tourists have nowhere to stay. For example, Lviv region has increased the number of resort towns where you can not only relax but also maintain your health in sanatoriums.

In addition, rural green tourism has grown in popularity in Ukraine. Villages remote from large cities offer tourists safe outdoor recreation, often directly connected to local farms, where they can try organic products, learn traditional crafts, or simply enjoy the peacefulness of the countryside.

How to travel safely in Ukraine during the war

We can talk about tourism in Ukraine for a long time, sincerely and with inspiration. However, traveling in Ukraine during the war requires special attention to safety issues, and Visit Ukraine has something to offer in this regard. A special insurance policy with war risk coverage is the insurance chosen by the vast majority of responsible tourists to be able to receive the full range of insurance services during the war in Ukraine. The policy with war risk coverage guarantees compensation not only under a standard medical or travel policy, but also reimburses losses caused by active or passive hostilities in Ukraine and guarantees not only financial compensation for insured events, but also timely assistance in case of unforeseen situations related to the war.

Stay connected to Ukraine and plan your travel itineraries safely with Visit Ukraine.

Remember. Ukraine is a tourist country in every respect, and it's not just about infrastructure and natural resources. Here, any difficulties only make you stronger, there is a unique life experience here, and there are new meanings to appreciate life. To satisfy the interest of foreigners in Ukraine, Visit Ukraine tells everything and more about safe travel in Ukraine in 2024.   

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

We recommend purchasing it for a safe and comfortable trip to Ukraine: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance – insurance covering military risks for entry and travel in Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Car Insurance – car insurance with extended coverage in Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Legal Advice – comprehensive legal support on entry to Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Tickets – bus and train tickets to/from Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Tours – the largest online database of tours to Ukraine for every taste;

Visit Ukraine Hotels – hotels for a comfortable stay in Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Merch – patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

© 2018-2024, Visit Ukraine. Use, copying or reprinting of materials on this site is permitted only with a link (hyperlink for online publications) to Visit Ukraine.

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gestellte Fragen

Why do tourists travel to Ukraine?

Ukraine is a large and culturally diverse European country that can be an experience of a lifetime. It has natural wonders, UNESCO World Heritage sites, history that is being created before our eyes, and delicious cuisine. Ukraine is accessible and hospitable, yet not overcrowded with tourists, offering a great time at any time of the year.

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