3 min

Travel Crossing the Ukraine-Moldova border by car: route, queues at checkpoints and necessary documents

Crossing the Ukraine-Moldova border by car: route, queues at checkpoints and necessary documents

To drive from Ukraine to Moldova by your own car, you need to prepare and familiarise yourself with the rules. Find out more about the rules of border crossing, necessary documents, convenient routes, peculiarities of traffic rules in Moldova and other important nuances

04 Jul. 2024

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2 min

Popular Independence Day of the USA, what Ukrainians and Americans have in common

Independence Day of the USA, what Ukrainians and Americans have in common

On the Fourth of July, Americans celebrate their main holiday - the country's birthday. Back in 1776, the courageous people of the USA were able to win their independence, and now Ukrainians are fighting for freedom and democracy as well. Find out how the history of the two countries is similar

04 Jul. 2024

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Travel July airline strikes in Europe: the main directions

July airline strikes in Europe: the main directions

In July 2024, strikes by civil aviation workers are planned in Italy, Ireland, and the UK. Find out more about the problems this may cause for tourists

04 Jul. 2024

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1 min

Transport Ukrzaliznytsia has changed the opening time of online sales of international train tickets: details

Ukrzaliznytsia has changed the opening time of online sales of international train tickets: details

The high demand for international train tickets leads to a serious load on the UZ website, which is why the carrier is changing the opening time of sales. Find out how much it will cost to buy international train tickets and how the changes will affect the convenience of using the service

04 Jul. 2024

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1 min

Krieg The second phase has begun: when will the Black Sea be fully demined?

The second phase has begun: when will the Black Sea be fully demined?

The Black Sea remains dangerous for people and ships due to the threat of mines. The demining process has already begun, but don't expect rapid change. Find out when the Black Sea will be cleared of mines and what stage the process is currently at

03 Jul. 2024

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2 min

Für Flüchtlinge Which German states are accepting Ukrainians in July 2024: current addresses of camps

Which German states are accepting Ukrainians in July 2024: current addresses of camps

Ukrainian citizens face different reception and distribution conditions in the federal states of Germany. Currently, the reception situation remains difficult due to the high level of migration. Each federal state has its own reception centers where refugees can receive temporary asylum. Find out the addresses of refugee camps that will continue to accept refugees in July 2024

03 Jul. 2024

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1 min

Popular Blackout schedules will become shorter: Ukrainians were told when the situation with electricity will improve

Blackout schedules will become shorter: Ukrainians were told when the situation with electricity will improve

The situation with electricity in Ukraine remains difficult. In some regions, power outages exceed schedule norms. However, Ukrenergo reports that the situation may improve soon. Find out when to expect a reduction in schedules and what the situation in the energy system is like now

03 Jul. 2024

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2 min

Insurance Insurance payments in the event of an accident: how a motor third party liability policy works and how much you can get under CTP

Insurance payments in the event of an accident: how a motor third party liability policy works and how much you can get under CTP

CTPCI is a mandatory insurance policy that every driver in Ukraine must take out. Find out how CTPCI works, what are the terms of payments in 2024, how to get compensation in the event of an accident, and how much you can expect to pay

03 Jul. 2024

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