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Popular Why will Ukrainian citizenship be deprived?

Why will Ukrainian citizenship be deprived?

On August 7, for the second time in 2024, Volodymyr Zelenskyy submitted a bill to the Verkhovna Rada that proposes to introduce legal grounds for deprivation of Ukrainian citizenship. Find out what exactly they plan to deprive of citizenship for

09 Aug. 2024

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Arbeit New labour conditions for Ukrainians in Lithuania: you need to obtain a residence permit

New labour conditions for Ukrainians in Lithuania: you need to obtain a residence permit

From 1 September, employment conditions for Ukrainians in Lithuania will change. Persons without temporary protection status must obtain a residence permit. Find out about changes in working conditions for Ukrainian refugees

09 Aug. 2024

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Documents Multiple citizenship in Ukraine: benefits, risks and legal nuances

Multiple citizenship in Ukraine: benefits, risks and legal nuances

The introduction of multiple citizenship in Ukraine opens up new opportunities for Ukrainians and foreigners, but at the same time, the changes also carry a number of risks. Learn more about the advantages, disadvantages and legal changes in Ukraine related to multiple citizenship

09 Aug. 2024

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Popular Ukraine signed a visa-free regime agreement with Mauritius: details

Ukraine signed a visa-free regime agreement with Mauritius: details

As a result of the negotiations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and Mauritius, the countries signed a visa-free regime and discussed a number of other important issues. Find out what is special about the talks, as well as what opportunities will open up for business, investment and tourism between the two countries

09 Aug. 2024

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Transport Individual car number plates: how to choose and order in Ukraine?

Individual car number plates: how to choose and order in Ukraine?

It is quite easy to order an individual number plate in Ukraine. Find out more about the ordering procedure and the price for different combinations of number plates

08 Aug. 2024

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2 min

Popular The Army+ app has officially started working: what functions are available there

The Army+ app has officially started working: what functions are available there

Ukraine has officially launched Army+, an app for the military aimed at reducing bureaucratic procedures. Find out what military issues can be solved right in your smartphone

08 Aug. 2024

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1 min

Krieg Evacuation of children announced in Donetsk region: what is the reason and where to turn to

Evacuation of children announced in Donetsk region: what is the reason and where to turn to

The danger level is rising in Donetsk Region due to the ongoing war. In this regard, the regional authorities have announced the forced evacuation of children. Find out which towns and villages fall under the decision of the relevant authorities

08 Aug. 2024

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2 min

Travel How to get from Ukraine to the Czech Republic by car: route, necessary documents and everything you need to know

How to get from Ukraine to the Czech Republic by car: route, necessary documents and everything you need to know

If you are planning to drive from Ukraine to the Czech Republic by your own car, you should choose a convenient route in advance and get acquainted with the rules for drivers in the country. Find out more about the necessary documents, convenient routes and the main provisions of the traffic code

08 Aug. 2024

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