2 min

Krieg Putin cynically offered to end the war in Ukraine: how have Zelenskyy and NATO reacted so far?

Putin cynically offered to end the war in Ukraine: how have Zelenskyy and NATO reacted so far?

The head of the kremlin has said that he is ready to sit down at the negotiating table with Ukraine "at least tomorrow" and put forward an official proposal to the West. Find out what exactly putin is offering and why he spoke so sharply about the ceasefire

14 Jun. 2024

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2 min

For foreigners in UA Travel advisories for British citizens have been eased again by expanding the list of regions

Travel advisories for British citizens have been eased again by expanding the list of regions

The British Foreign Office has expanded the list of regions that can be visited in Ukraine. Find out which regions and cities are affected and whether it is safe to travel to Ukraine now

14 Jun. 2024

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2 min

Popular Skycop ist Ihr zuverlässiger Begleiter im Falle einer Flugverspätung

Skycop ist Ihr zuverlässiger Begleiter im Falle einer Flugverspätung

Nach geltendem Recht haben Fluggäste im Falle einer Flugverspätung oder -annullierung Anspruch auf eine Entschädigung. Finden Sie heraus, wie Sie eine Rückerstattung erhalten können und was es dazu braucht

14 Jun. 2024

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2 min

Ausbildung How children can resume studying at a Ukrainian school after returning from abroad: important details

How children can resume studying at a Ukrainian school after returning from abroad: important details

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, a large number of Ukrainian students have been forced to travel abroad and leave their home schools. Find out more about the procedure for resuming education in a Ukrainian school and transferring grades from foreign schools

14 Jun. 2024

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2 min

For foreigners in UA Applying for a D-10 visa for a volunteer: rules and other important nuances

Applying for a D-10 visa for a volunteer: rules and other important nuances

The procedure for obtaining a volunteer visa to enter Ukraine may differ depending on the applicant's country of residence. Find out all about the institutions that provide this service, as well as the rules for applying, submitting documents, and obtaining a D-10 visa

14 Jun. 2024

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3 min

Travel Ein Führer zu den Städten der Euro 2024: Wofür sind sie bekannt und was gibt es dort zu sehen?

Ein Führer zu den Städten der Euro 2024: Wofür sind sie bekannt und was gibt es dort zu sehen?

Millionen von Touristen und Fans werden demnächst nach Deutschland reisen, um an einem der beliebtesten Ereignisse im europäischen Fußball teilzunehmen - der Euro 2024. Dieses Turnier wird in zehn Städten ausgetragen, die voller Kultur und Vielfalt sind. Erfahren Sie, was diese Städte einzigartig macht, welche Attraktionen sie bieten und was Sie über Deutschland im Allgemeinen wissen müssen

13 Jun. 2024

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2 min

Lifehacks Solar station at home: how expedient is it, how to get a loan, necessary documents and cost

Solar station at home: how expedient is it, how to get a loan, necessary documents and cost

Installing a solar power plant will ensure energy independence, reduce electricity costs, and provide backup power in case of outages. Learn more about prices, types of stations and other important details

13 Jun. 2024

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2 min

Popular G7 summit: why is this meeting important for Ukraine and what decisions has Zelensky already announced?

G7 summit: why is this meeting important for Ukraine and what decisions has Zelensky already announced?

The G7 summit has started in Italy, at which the G7 leaders will discuss, among other things, the war in Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelensky has already said that important decisions should be expected at the summit. Find out what positive signals for Ukraine are already coming from Italy and what important decisions the Ukrainian president talked about

13 Jun. 2024

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