1 min

Travel The best cities for expats in 2024: the list

The best cities for expats in 2024: the list

Today's popular cities reflect the global trend of seeking better opportunities and a better quality of life in different parts of the world. Find out more about the best cities for expats in 2024

27 Jan. 2024

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2 min

Documents Delivery of a driver's license abroad: a list of countries where you can order a license

Delivery of a driver's license abroad: a list of countries where you can order a license

Delivery of a driver's license from Ukraine is now available to 17 countries. Find out to which countries you can order a license through the electronic cabinet and what you need to do

27 Jan. 2024

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2 min

Travel Where to go in Kyiv: offbeat places to visit this weekend (part 1)

Where to go in Kyiv: offbeat places to visit this weekend (part 1)

Mysterious Kyiv - always beckons tourists, especially those who have not yet had time to explore this city. Learn how to dive into the secret paths of Goloseev, feel the mysticism of Bald Mountain and go on an exciting tour of underground Kyiv

26 Jan. 2024

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Cost of living From Lviv to Kherson: where is the most expensive place to rent an apartment in Ukraine?

From Lviv to Kherson: where is the most expensive place to rent an apartment in Ukraine?

There are various trends in rental prices across Ukraine. Find out in more detail which regions of the country have the most expensive rental prices, and where renting a home is quite inexpensive, and what determines the cost

26 Jan. 2024

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War Why did Slovakia's pro-russian leader Fico abruptly change his mind and side with Ukraine?

Why did Slovakia's pro-russian leader Fico abruptly change his mind and side with Ukraine?

The change in position of the pro-russian leader of Slovakia, Robert Fico, and his move to the side of Ukraine has caused widespread interest and controversy. Find out more about how and why the Slovak official changed his position

26 Jan. 2024

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Travel How many foreigners entered Ukraine in 2023 and from which countries did they come most often?

How many foreigners entered Ukraine in 2023 and from which countries did they come most often?

Despite the war, the number of foreigners entering Ukraine is increasing. Find out how many foreigners visited the country in 2023, what their purpose was, and from which countries they came

26 Jan. 2024

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2 min

Documents Residence permit in Ukraine for family reunification: who can get it and how to do it?

Residence permit in Ukraine for family reunification: who can get it and how to do it?

Family reunification is a ground for obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine. Find out who can obtain a residence permit and under what conditions, what documents are required and how to apply

26 Jan. 2024

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War Ukraine successfully defends itself against russian missiles with the latest electronic warfare system: we explain what it is and how it works

Ukraine successfully defends itself against russian missiles with the latest electronic warfare system: we explain what it is and how it works

Electronic warfare is not a new type of weapon in warfare. However, this type of weaponry is constantly being improved to counter the enemy. Read more about how Ukraine uses REB and what is known about its new development that helps protect critical facilities that could be targeted by the russians

25 Jan. 2024

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