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How to restore documents on higher education: explanation from the Ministry of Reintegration

How to restore documents on higher education: explanation from the Ministry of Reintegration

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The loss of documents, in particular a diploma, prevents migrants from setting up life in a new place. The presence of confirmation of obtaining a higher education facilitates employment both in Ukraine and abroad, therefore it is critically important for many to recover the lost document. The Ministry of Reintegration shared tips on how to restore a diploma.

Restoration of a higher education document using "Diia"

It is possible to issue a duplicate diploma of higher education in the "Diia" application, if your higher education institution is located in the temporarily occupied territory.

Renewal of a diploma at another university

If your alma mater no longer exists, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine will choose another institution that will renew the document.

What should be done for this?

1. Contact the Ministry of Education and Culture with an application for renewal of documents and send it in a convenient way for you:

• By mail to the address 01135, 10 Peremohy Ave., Kyiv;

• By email to [email protected].

A sample statement can be found here.

2. A copy/photocopy of the lost diploma and its annex should be attached to the application.

Attention! If a person received an education document in 2014, the sample of which does not comply with the national legislation, he also applies to the Ministry of Education, and to such an application he attaches a copy of the identity document and a copy of the received education document (the sample of which does not comply with the legislation), received at a university located in the occupied territory.

What to do if diploma data is missing in the database?

To create a copy of the document on education, data from the Unified State Electronic Database on Education is used.

Note that this database will contain data if you graduated after 2000.

However, the lack of information about the diploma in the register will not be an obstacle to its restoration. The higher education institution can use a copy of the document, a certificate from the study archive or an extract from the journal of issuing documents.

Restoration of the diploma in court

It is necessary to establish the fact of the existence of a higher education in a court procedure, if there is no data on the diploma in the Only State Electronic Base on education issues, and the archives are not available.

You can add any evidence that will confirm the fact of graduation from a higher educational institution. These can be copies of training documents, entries in the work book, etc.

After receiving a decision that will confirm the acquisition of higher education, you need to add it to the application and send it to the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine. In such a situation, the higher educational institution will issue a duplicate diploma on the basis of a court decision or an official letter.