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23 Jan. 2023


Life of Ukrainians in Great Britain under the Homes for Ukraine program: answers to frequently asked questions

Für Flüchtlinge
United Kingdom
Life of Ukrainians in Great Britain under the Homes for Ukraine program: answers to frequently asked questions

Homes for Ukraine allows Ukrainians and their relatives to come to the UK during the war thanks to sponsors. Find out answers to common questions about life in the country and what assistance is provided within the Homes for Ukraine program

An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

For Ukrainians who have found shelter in Great Britain, the Homes for Ukraine sponsorship program continues to operate. It enables citizens of Ukraine and their relatives to come to the United Kingdom during the war in the Motherland. Find out the answers to common questions about the life of fellow citizens in Britain within the framework of the program.

Is the Homes for Ukraine program still active for Ukrainians in Britain?

Yes, currently the program is still valid for those Ukrainians who have already applied. New applicants cannot apply to the program at this time - USPUK, the charity behind the program, is looking for new sponsors. Government programs in Scotland and Wales are also currently closed.

What help do sponsors provide to Ukrainian refugees under the Homes for Ukraine program?

According to the terms of the program, the sponsor undertakes to provide only free housing. Some sponsors may help program participants more, but this is only at their discretion.

Does the program participant have to live with the sponsor for the duration of the program?

No, if you want to go, you have complete freedom of movement. The program participant is not required to live with their sponsor until the end of the program.

Do Ukrainians need to pay rent to a sponsor?

No, for the duration of the program, which is from six months, the sponsor undertakes to provide housing for free. If you want to rent an apartment after the program expires, you can do it on general terms. If necessary, you can apply for financial support from the British Government.

What will happen if you do not have a good relationship with the sponsor, or you yourself want to leave his house?

The sponsor undertakes to provide the participant with housing for at least six months. If something goes wrong, the program organizers can help you move to another sponsor or offer an alternative option.

Pay attention! If your sponsor refused to accept you already after you received your visa (due to any circumstances), the sponsor's council has an obligation to help you with housing (search for a new sponsor or temporary housing).

What rights do Homes for Ukraine program participants have?

Once you've got a visa that allows you to stay in the UK for up to three years, you'll be eligible for employment or financial support if you need it, be able to send your children to school and get free health care from the NHS.

Is it possible to leave sponsored housing and the country?

Yes, participants of the Homes for Ukraine program have the right to leave Great Britain for a few days and then return.

We will remind you! You can find out answers to common questions about the Homes for Ukraine program, in particular, how to find a sponsor, how to apply for participation, terms of stay in the country, and more, in our material at the link.

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