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15 Feb. 2023


PESEL, NIP, UW, WUP: What abbreviations do Ukrainians in Poland need to know

PESEL, NIP, UW, WUP: What abbreviations do Ukrainians in Poland need to know

Refugees from Ukraine settling in Poland should understand and know the meanings of abbreviations and terms popular in the country. We tell you what Ukrainians in Poland need to know and how frequently used abbreviations are deciphered

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Since the beginning of the war, many Ukrainians decided to leave for Poland. Some of them have already adapted to life in this country and understand all the terms that Poles use in official documents and in everyday life, while some are completely unfamiliar with the Polish vocabulary, which is necessary for comfortable living in this country.

At first glance, leaving and starting a life in Poland is quite simple, since the country is located next to Ukraine and has similarities in culture and rules. However, this is not so! In Poland, there are many abbreviated words and abbreviations that are important for permanent residence in this country. We will tell you more about what terms and abbreviations Ukrainians need to know below.

Life in Poland: a special dictionary of abbreviations

• PESEL (Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności) is a universal electronic population registration system, in simple words, it is an 11-digit digital symbol that identifies a natural person.

• PL (Polska) – abbreviated designation of the name of the country.

• PIT (Personal Income Tax) is a tax that everyone who receives income in Poland, including Ukrainians, must pay.

• NIP (Numer identifykaci podatkowej) is a tax identification number consisting of 10 digits, where the first three digits are the code of the tax office that issued the code, and the last one is a check digit.

• UM (Urząd Miejski) is a city office, where Ukrainians can apply for various issues, including obtaining a certificate of residence.

• UW (Urząd Wojewódzki) – voivodeship administration. A level higher than the city level. Voivodeship is like a region in Ukraine.

• MOPS (Miejski Ośrodek Pomocy) is a municipal social assistance center where Ukrainians can receive social assistance.

• ZUS (Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych) – Social Insurance Office – an organization responsible for social insurance issues and controlled by the Polish Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.

• VAT (Podatekod vártího dodanej, English – Value Added Tax) – tax on added value, i.e. VAT.

• ePuaP (elektroniczna Platforma Usług Administracji Publicznej) is an electronic platform of public administration services that combines a wide range of government electronic services.

• POZ (Podstawowa Opieka Zdrowotna) – basic service in the health care system.

• NFZ (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia) – national health care fund.

• NBP (Narodowy Bank Polski) – National Bank of Poland.

• DS (Dom Studencki) – student dormitory.

• DT (Dom Turysty) – hotel for tourists.

• PCPR (Powiatowy centrum pomocy rodzinie) – district family assistance center.

• UDSC (Urząd do Spraw Cudzoziemców) – Department for Foreigners.

• USC (Urząd Stanu Cywilnego) – civil status administration – is an analogue of the RACS bodies.

• SOR (Szpitalny Oddział Ratunkowy) – hospital emergency department.

• REGON (Rejestr Gospodarki Narodowej) – all-Polish register of subjects of the national economy of Poland.

• KRS (Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy) – the state court register in Poland. All kinds of business entities and insolvent debtors are registered in the register.

• MSW (Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych) – Ministry of the Interior of Poland.

• MSZ (Minister Spraw Zagranicznych) – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland.

We will remind you! Ukrainians in Poland are increasingly facing cancellation of UKR (PESEL) status. Read more about who and why can get rid of this status, as well as how to restore it, at the link.

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