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19 Mai. 2023


How the portrait of Ukrainians has changed during the war: research results

Der Weg zum Sieg
How the portrait of Ukrainians has changed during the war: research results

War makes people look at the world differently, change their priorities and find new meanings. Find out more about the changes that have taken place in Ukrainian society and how the full-scale invasion has affected people's worldview

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Today, Ukraine is experiencing a unique historical moment that will undoubtedly affect the national portrait of Ukrainians in the future. The dramatic changes in moods and general attitudes towards life are clearly visible in the survey conducted by the Rating Group. 

How do Ukrainians feel about the political sphere?

According to the survey, after the first shock, confusion, and uncertainty that befell Ukrainians on February 24, 2022, the number of Ukrainian citizens who were confident in victory barely reached 56%. Today, 95% of Ukrainians believe in victory.

There has also been a significant increase in public self-esteem. Thus, the majority of respondents gave Ukraine's position 4 to 6 points (out of 10 possible), which is 1.5 times higher than in the previous survey. 

In addition, ⅔ of Ukrainians gave the highest marks to the country's future prospects. And assessments of the correctness of the path Ukraine is taking have broken all records. Thus, the number of citizens who are confident in the chosen direction fluctuates at the level of 70-80%.

The main priorities for the country's recovery were identified by Ukrainians as the resumption of the functioning of enterprises and jobs and the reconstruction of cities and other damaged areas. This suggests that the vast majority of Ukrainian citizens are focused on finding a job rather than social assistance.

Read here how the indicators of Ukrainians' trust in state institutions, media and the Armed Forces have changed.

What is the psycho-emotional state of Ukrainians?

The resilience indicators of Ukrainians, which cover psychological and physical health, have hardly changed since the pre-war period. The value of the Index decreased minimally - from 3.9 to 3.7.

Unfortunately, negative emotions are more pronounced than positive ones. Thus, the index of sadness and anger is 4.8 and 4.6, as opposed to 4.1 and 4.3 for joy and inspiration, respectively.

It is also noteworthy that Ukrainians have begun to feel less love for themselves, while love for others has increased. This can be explained by the fact that citizens have united around a common problem, and the collective has prevailed over the individual.

Also, the tendency of Ukrainians to self-restriction is noted when it comes to entertainment and shopping. Only 37% of respondents believe that they should try to continue living a full life.

The last important indicator of the psycho-emotional state is that Ukrainians have begun to trust people less. Thus, 83% of respondents believe that they should be more cautious with others. The main factor here, of course, is the war, because it has destroyed the basic value of every person - trust in the world.

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How has the social sphere changed?

During the hostilities, Ukrainians began to rethink their relationship with religion, so the percentage of those who believe in God dropped from 60% to 55%. However, the level of tolerance has increased significantly, in particular towards the LGBT community (from 53% to 64%) and representatives of the childhood community (from 57% to 67%).

In addition, despite the horrific crimes committed by russia, the main emotion of Ukrainian citizens is not fear, but pride in their country. This is eloquently demonstrated by the numbers: the pride rate has increased from 34% to 75%.

It is also important that Ukrainians have begun to divide themselves less by territorial or other criteria. Thus, 94% of respondents identified themselves as citizens of Ukraine, not residents of the West or East. Last year's figure was 18% lower.

So, despite the constant tension and negative emotions, Ukrainians have begun to feel proud of the country, have shown unprecedented cohesion and determination to act against the enemy, and retain faith in victory and a bright future. This undoubtedly leaves a great imprint on the national portrait of Ukrainians and will become the basis for further transformation of society.

We remind you! Unfortunately, war leaves an irreparable mark on the psyche of every person. We told you about how and why Ukrainians continue to hold on despite the constant threat of russia's armed aggression in our previous article.

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