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23 Mai. 2022


How to get inpatient medical care during the war: an explanation from the Ministry of Health




How to get inpatient medical care during the war: an explanation from the Ministry of Health

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Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, many citizens have been forced to change their place of residence. At the same time, the Ministry of Health reminds that inpatient care is provided free of charge - regardless of where patients live and which institution they decide to choose for hospitalization.

All medical and related services provided by the package of medical services are guaranteed, and patients do not have to pay extra for anything. In particular, it covers all areas necessary for patients: cardiology, neurology, infectious diseases, pulmonology, gastroenterology, pediatrics and more.

If a medical institution demands money from a patient, it is a violation. In such situations, you should file a complaint:

◾ to the contact center of the Ministry of Health 0 800 60 20 19;

◾ to the NHS hotline 16-77.

Patients can receive free services in the following cases:

• if there is a referral from a family / attending physician

• if the patient is taken to hospital by an emergency team

• by referral from another clinical unit or institution if the person is already being treated in a hospital

• on self-appeal in case of emergency

Free of charge for patients are:

• blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid tests, bacteriological and other laboratory tests

• electrocardiography, ultrasound (including doppler), endoscopic examination, X-ray, CT, MRI, other instrumental studies

• anesthesia at all stages

• provision of medicines from the National List, as well as those purchased at the expense of other programs of the central and local budgets

• intensive care