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27 Sep. 2024


Mobilisation of people 50+ years old: in what case such persons can now be called up

Mobilisation of people 50+ years old: in what case such persons can now be called up

The rules for mobilising citizens aged 50-60 have changed. Now such men can be called up only in specific cases. What you need to know about the changes is described in this article

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New rules for military conscription have come into force in Ukraine. The country has now restricted conscription to men aged 50-60. What has changed for citizens of this age group is described below.

Recently, in a commentary to Liga.net, MP Fedir Venislavskyi confirmed that the directive of the Land Forces Command contains a provision that restricts the mobilisation of men aged 50-60.

How will such people be mobilised now?

Only those who have deficit military specialities will be mobilised after the age of 50, Venislavsky stressed.

As stated by MP Oleksiy Honcharenko, the directive of 19 September refers to the mobilisation of men aged 25 to 49, meaning that the mobilisation of persons liable for military service aged 50-60 is possible only under a mobilisation order.

The reason for this is that units refuse to accept people over 50, as few of them are suitable for stormtroopers. So without an important military speciality, there is no point in mobilising this category of men.

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It should be noted that the important specialities are: 003, 004, 008, 015, 016, 019, 021, 028, 029, 034, 035, 036, 037, 039, 047, 048, 056, 0 71 , 072, 106, 107, 108, 110, 113, 117, 118, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 133, 134 135 146 , 147, 153, 163, 178, 183, 184, 210, 216, 220, 221, 223, 225, 233, 234, 245, 248, 250, 251, 26, 26 320 323 326 340 379 381 382 383 403 420 460 474 500 501 502 503 507 525 549 , 550, 554, 569.

Potentially mobilised persons can find these specialities in their military registration documents, including the ‘Reserve+’. In the paper military ID card of a reserve officer, this information is placed on page 4 - paragraph 5 contains the WHO and its code.

We remind you! The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has made significant changes to the mobilisation procedure concerning persons liable for military service who are caring for sick relatives or persons with disabilities. Read more about the changes, which are intended to simplify the process of obtaining a deferment for such persons, reduce the number of bureaucratic procedures and eliminate unnecessary requirements, here.

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